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    Easy Ways to Minimize Your Expenses at Home

    Save MoneySave MoneyMost people complain of low income these days. The fall in income and the increase in expenditure have created problem for everyone. Saving money looks like a difficult task, but it can be done easily with the right knowledge. Given below are three ways to save money and live a luxurious life:

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    Save Money
    We know you know you have to save money… but what you don't know is - how?
    It's simple! The first thing that you need to do is to have confidence in yourself. Many people are frightened just by the thought of saving. They do not even take the first step.

    Firstly, one has to open a bank account. There are various kinds of bank accounts, saving or current. Choose one that suits you the best. Deposit the money you save in the bank account. Interest rate, terms and conditions are few things you should consider when choosing the bank account.

    Once you are prepared to save money, it is time to start doing it. The easiest way is to cut down on your expenditure. Do the chores that you can do.

    If you can cut your child's hair, you don't need to take him or her to the hair dresser. It might sound rude, but you can do away with the maid by taking over the home chores.

    Also, make it a point to cut down on unnecessary expenses. Dining out every weekend or watching a movie with your pals shouldn't be the most preferred option.

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    Buy Smart
    Always, buy smart. Capitalize on special promotions and sales that are open regularly. You can also buy stuff online. It not only saves you time but also money. It is better to visit stores virtually then to go physically and get quote.
    Buying used items might not sound convincing; however, once you see the price difference, you'll realize why there is a big market for used items. You can save a lot of money by buying used items, especially cars, cell phones and other electronic items. However, do it wisely and always buy from trusted sources, so that it doesn't turn out to be costlier than usual.

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    Sell It
    There's a big resellers market where you can sell your used items. Instead of trashing your old phones or gadgets, you can make good money by selling them. You can even put your stuff on sale on Amazon and other websites. A lot of people are making big money this way.

    If you plan on buying new DVDs, you can do away with the old ones and buy the new ones from the money received. This way, your expenses will be in balance and you will easily get the stuff you want.

    There cannot be a better way out. Without having to work for extra hours, you can easily minimize your expenses. Share this piece of knowledge with your friends and family so that they can also benefit from it. Saving is the key to a happy life.

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    • quixoticbats  •  23 hours ago
      The terrible irony is, someone got paid to write this article. It's like posting an article called - Things You Didn't Know About the Sky. Then saying - The sky is blue. And those white, fluffy. things? They're not dragons and fairies. They're clouds!
    • sleeze  •  Verona, New Jersey  •  4 days ago
      Money help for morons. #2 should not be buy smart but, DON"T BUY IT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      When you don't have money saved buying something you don't need is dumb.
    • Cristin  •  Tyler, Texas  •  4 days ago
      can't save what you don't have in the first place
    • Sunny  •  Jackson, Tennessee  •  6 days ago
      Who has a maid?
      We're living in a recession.
      • DanielleD 2 days 8 hours ago
        I agree, lost me at maid!!!!! Who has a maid? Even the advice is crap. I hoping to learn a few trick to save on household necessities.
      • warning! 4 days ago
        I noticed that too.. although "It might sound rude" this article was not helpful at all.
    • Meg  •  5 days ago
      "Firstly, one has to open a bank account."

      Is there anyone who has an income without a bank account? Or doesn't know that they should consider the interest rate and terms and features when opening a new one?

      This all seems like... simple, obvious advice. The kind of things a person learns at 11 when they get their first yardwork or babysitting job.
      • sharankyu 5 days ago
        Thats what I thought when I read that part! I was like was this article written for a 10 year old!?!?
    • Matovu Norbert  •  3 days ago
      Am a ugandan how can i use my $2.2 (worth sh5,000) meaningfully if earned daily when i would like to make my own shoe selling shop but not yet married but renting.
    • Vivian  •  Nashville, Tennessee  •  12 hours ago
      What a stupid article!

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