
Mixed or average reviews - based on 32 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 74 Ratings

  • Starring: Guy Pearce, Maggie Grace, Peter Stormare
  • Summary: Set in the near future, Lockout follows a falsely convicted ex-government agent, whose one chance at obtaining freedom lies in the dangerous mission of rescuing the President’s daughter from rioting convicts at an outer space maximum-security prison.(Open Road Films)
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 32
  2. Negative: 6 out of 32
  1. Reviewed by: James Rocchi
    Apr 11, 2012
    Lockout isn't high art, but it's ridiculous fun.
  2. 60
    The pretty good thriller Lockout peaks with its first shot...When the camera moves and the plot kicks in - as it must - the movie loses its witty economy. Things get cluttered.
  3. Reviewed by: Michael O'Sullivan
    Apr 12, 2012
    Enjoy it, in moderation. It's your recommended weekly allowance of schlock.

See all 32 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 29
  2. Negative: 5 out of 29
  1. This is no Fight Club or Braveheart but a VERY GOOD film all the same, if you have been getting sick of all the BADLY made movies lately you should see this movie. I don't understand where this bad rating or coming from......maybe people started liking bad movies like Transformers,Battleship or the like. Expand
  2. It's really too bad that a movie that really did have an opportunity to be different and have a unique plot line completely fell through. The thought of a futuristic shooter and a hostage situation in a space prison could have been a cool idea, except for the problem of it being a mess at almost every turn. From the random back story, to the unrelenting not funny jokes, to the stupid twists just about everything in Lockout was a disappointment. For a jail that is supposed to contain hundreds of prisoners its amazing that you only really see a few of them over and over throughout the movie other then a scene or two. Then again most of the scenes throughout the film that are prepped to be major deals usually end up being over rather quickly and simply. Overall this movie was a clear example of a film that fell short of having great potential, from the bad plot line to boring characters it just wasn't good, period. Expand
  3. Had potential then jettisoned it self into DEEP SPACE. Went to this movie not expecting much but was looking forward to just kicking back and watching an action flick. The only positive thing about this movie is Guy Pearce's peformance. The (lack) of action, "quality" special effects, and peformances by the supporting cast make The Expendables look like it should have one best picture at the Oscars. I constantly found myself along with my buddies laugh at the movie at all of the cheesy moments it had. The pace was ridiculous and the villian's were laughable and half retarded. Two monkey's covered in sh!t could have provided more meanigful performances. The video games in the mid 90's had better graphics then this. I would have to be borderline blackout drunk to watch this movie again and I would definitely try and pass out immediately after Pearce's interrogation becasue that was the only funny part in the entire movie. Good Talk Expand

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