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Microsoft GM Acknowledges New Xbox

Microsoft Windows general manager Brian Hall is probably going to get a talk from his bosses about a comment he made on a recent podcast. Hall said a new Xbox is on the way.

"We've operated Hotmail for about 16 years, we obviously have Exchange and Outlook that people use at work, and we just decided it was time to do something new and bring the best from each of those and put them together and release it right in time for the new wave of products that we have coming out with Windows 8, with the new version of Office, with the New Windows Phone and the new Xbox," he said on The Verge.

When asked about Brian's comment, Microsoft said in a statement, "Xbox 360 has found new ways to extend the console lifecycle by introducing controller-free experiences with Kinect and re-inventing the console with a new dashboard and new entertainment content partnerships. We are always thinking about what is next for our platform and how to continue to defy the lifecycle convention."

In March, Microsoft denied it would be showing new Xbox hardware at E3 2012, and the company stuck to its word. Right now, all we have are rumored reports and developer job listings pointing at next generation console development. A new Xbox reveal at E3 2013 seems likely at this point. Now we just have to wait.

[Source: The Verge]

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  • Isn't Windows 8 going to be compatible with Xbox 360 and 720 games? If so, Windows 8 is day one buy for me.
  • Who could have seen this coming? On a side not I really can't b more excited for next years E3 already....all signs point towards new console reveals!
  • So microsoft thinks the 360 can live longer with a new dashboard.
  • Good. It's about time that someone is upfront with consumers and confirms what we all already knew. haha

  • yes this is fantastic confirmed reports for once
  • Xbox 1080!
  • It's a given that the next consoles are already being developed. Just a matter of when they release (either 2013 or 2014) and what their specs are. So this isn't really news. Can't wait though so they can start making games designed from the ground up with modern PC tech. Hope for a leap in game design like that of this cycle.
  • I hope this isin't true. Microsoft!!! Can't you see that we've had enough of you?! Your first console was obviously a rip-off of the Dreamcast. And look at the Kinect. We get it Microsoft, we are controllers for the Kinect. BUT NOT WHEN YOU'RE SHOVING TOO MANY DUMB KINECT STUFF DOWN OUR THROATS FOR 2 FREAKING YEARS!!! *Sigh* Can't Microsoft get out of the console business... Now?!?!
  • I'm not ready for new consoles. They'll probably sell for $350 and up. I have a family to feed and a mortgage to pay. $350 is a small fortune to me.
  • I think that guy might get fired.
  • gi needs to speed up their news
  • I'm only exited for the new control, so I can use it on my PC... XD

  • Seems interesting. But I'm not a huge Microsoft fan, and I never want to be part of the crowd that owns Xbox 360, but to each their own i guess.
  • How to get fired pt1

  • I'm just waiting for the article to say *update*Microsoft GM Brian Hall is fired.
  • Did GI report on the leaked development kit yet?
  • In other news, Sony employee talks about the new upcoming Play Station...
    (You know it's coming)
  • Well, it's not as though a new console generation wasn't inevitable.  It was more a matter of when than if, and this guy didn't exactly give a big clue as to when it would come out.  Not exactly a huge slip of the tongue if you look at it from that perspective.

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