Game Music Forum Archive

Music from the E3 2005 Phoenix Wright trailer?

By Angela (Jan 07, 2006)

Listening to the music played during the E3 2005 Phoenix Wright trailer made me realize just how awesome a fully arranged album of the score would be.

Does anyone know where these particular trailer arrangements come from? Were they specially made for promotional purposes?

By Dais (Jan 07, 2006)

Old music, new mix.

>Listening to the music played during the E3 2005 Phoenix Wright trailer made me realize just how awesome a fully arranged album of the score would be.
>Does anyone know where these particular trailer arrangements come from? Were they specially made for promotional purposes?

The music featured during the trailer is mixed from two different longer arranged medleys on the Gyakuten Saiban 3 OST's bonus disc. They may or may not have been arranged by Noriyuki Iwadare.

Songs 1 & 3 are from "Gyakuten Saiban - 2003 Promotion Image Sound Tracks". The opening is the same as in the trailer, while the song that ends the trailer begins at 1:38

Song 2 is from " Gyakuten Saiban 3 - Special Blend Mix", and kicks in around 2:55, and is quite a bit longer in the medley (although unfortunately much noisier)

There may be some differences between the trailer mix and the original arrangements, but that's probably due to volume differences and editing.

I'll make a RAR of the four arrange tracks from the GS3 bonus disc. Pretty nice stuff, although a full arrange album with distinct tracks would be ever better.

Now, if only they had the same magic on Phoenix Wright they worked on Megaman Battle Network 5.

By Dais (Jan 07, 2006)



By Angela (Jan 08, 2006)


You totally rock the [court]house. ^_^ Thank you!

Although, for some reason, my download tends to always cut off at 3.7 MB -- and oddly, YSIGet assumes that it's a complete file. As such, the only song I was able to get was the Gyakuten Sisters' Theme [Arrange Version] -- the rest of the .RAR file was broken.

By Datschge (Jan 08, 2006)

>Although, for some reason, my download tends to always cut off at 3.7 MB

No problem here, it's 21.7MB altogether. Be sure to clear your browser's cache or something so it doesn't take the incomplete file in the cache as complete one again.

By Angela (Jan 08, 2006)

-- No problem here, it's 21.7MB altogether. Be sure to clear your browser's cache or something so it doesn't take the incomplete file in the cache as complete one again.

Yep, that seemed to have done it - thanks, Dats!

The GS3 Special Blend Mix is positively incredible, but the GS1 2003 Promotional Image track is such a terrible tease, that I nearly cried in my state of yearning. -_-;

Thanks again, Dais!