Bawl of Duty: how to be a multiplayer catastrophe

The science of sucking at Battlefield, Halo and more

We've been feeling pretty good about ourselves of late, what with Matt's (presumably long-dead) Guinness World Record, Mike's Olympic victory, Log's breakthrough discovery that Hitler is kind of like Prometheus, and Jonty's miraculous collection of Spelunky-flavoured swearwords, soon to be published by Everyman as a 20 volume hardback edition with genuine blood-inked illustrations.

But browsing a recent comments thread, I uncover the following aside from long-time forumite CunningSmile: "Yay for another 'OXM Team are crap at most things' article, always cheer me up and make me feel better about never unlocking a Hard mode achievement." Thank you, sir, for this timely reminder of our editorial priorities. It is not our lot to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, for that way accursed self-esteem lies. We're here to humiliate ourselves for your edification, like circus clowns before Heath Ledger made circus clowns all cool and sinister.

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I'll let you in on a little secret, internet - failure is really easy, especially when it comes to multiplayer games. Feel free to follow along with my simple blow-by-blow instructions. You'll be the butt of every team-mate jibe in no time, I guarantee it.

Use voice communication to stop communication

The garden-variety Xbox Live headset is a valuable means of idiocy. Used incorrectly, it allows you to coordinate manoeuvres with your team in order to overcome material odds and minimise casualties. Don't risk it. Turn the mic volume up, play a dozen Youtube videos simultaneously over your laptop speakers, and as the match begins, start a conversation with somebody in the next building, preferably a Chinese peasant with acute tinnitus.

Miss completely or cop out when healing/reviving people

This one's my favourite. You know in Battlefield 3 when you spot a guy trying to do jazz hands with a pair of chest paddles? He's not trying to jump-start a cloud of mosquitoes, dummy - he's proudly advertising the fact that he'll never have to worry about getting press-ganged, because no military organisation in its right mind would ever want to conscript him. I like to do it while jogging backwards and forwards, as though attempting to confound the Enemy by overloading his ability to compute depth. On the off-chance that I actually do revive a team-mate, I immediately cook a grenade and seize him in a tearful embrace. Our children must never know how we suffered, comrade. Innocence is the most precious gift of all.

Each game has its own special take on this. In Gears, you'll be mostly trundling left and right like an anxious shopping trolley, waiting for the HUD to wake up and tell you where the body is. In Left 4 Dead, it's all about getting somebody halfway to their feet, then losing your bottle when the bar's three-thirds full, cue melodramatic flailing animation. Speaking of Left 4 Dead....

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Shun and despise fire safety

Burning things in a videogame is always a risky business, thanks to newfangled propagating fire systems, but how much riskier in Left 4 Dead, where the combustible materials don't stay put. This creates exciting opportunities for sucking, like when you spot a guy drenched in Boomer Bile, pounding at the maddened horde with a frying pan. Want some gasoline on that, chum? Oh, your mouth says "no" but the voices in my head say "YES". Rejoice, for soon life will be cleansed of sorrows by Father Flame.

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13 comments so far...

  1. I think for the Halo vehicle you meant Falcon, as i'm pretty sure the Pelican is the big thing you never get to drive.

  2. Ah, but what you don't realise is that misnaming vehicles is another way of being a multiplayer catastrophe. My trap is sprung.

  3. I am guilty of the youtube one. Back in the days of MW2 it was all about soundboards in Demolition or 3rd person team tactical, I picked Duke over everything else. :wink:

    Usually though I am an accidental clog of door ways, and the giving away of team positions. Sniper shotgun awaaaay!!

  4. I love that guy who rushes to get the Sniper, the Missile Launcher and then gets in the Banshee.


  5. I am very much the guy who puts gasoline everywhere in L4D, regardless of what's going on. Witch? Gasoline. Teammate down? Gasoline as cover, always badly placed. No enemies blocking the saferoom? You sir need gasoline.

  6. One reason I've given up playing MP with anyone other than my GF is that after so many years of off line play I forget that everyone else isn't a disposable Bot and just wander off by myself leaving them to die. I do that to my girlfriend as well but at least she's sat next to be to give me a thump when I do it.

  7. I think for the Halo vehicle you meant Falcon, as i'm pretty sure the Pelican is the big thing you never get to drive.

    Nope he is right, you can fly a Falcon in certain maps.

  8. I love that guy who rushes to get the Sniper, the Missile Launcher and then gets in the Banshee.


    This is especilly annoying when that same person then gets blown up straight away, scattering the weapons in sometimes unobtainable locations. This will prompt me to drop the controller and start a slow clap.

  9. I am very much the guy who puts gasoline everywhere in L4D, regardless of what's going on. Witch? Gasoline. Teammate down? Gasoline as cover, always badly placed. No enemies blocking the saferoom? You sir need gasoline.

    :lol: Sorry Bezza couldn't resist,it's a great song as well thanks for reminding me. :D


    No, no, dear clangs. That one.

  11. Love trapping people in a corner on MW3 as it makes me laugh so much as I see them squirm....until an enemy player guns us down which is the whole point of corner-trapping. :)

  12. Don't you just love the mad rush for the Jets at the start of a Battlefield 3 match, only to find the sadass who beats you to it crashes just short of the runway.
    That my friends is infuriating and hilarious at the same time.

  13. Don't you just love the mad rush for the Jets at the start of a Battlefield 3 match, only to find the sadass who beats you to it crashes just short of the runway.
    That my friends is infuriating and hilarious at the same time.

    I once crashed pretty much stationary before doing anything because there was a jet directly in front of me blocking the runway. D'oh! Should have checked my blindspot... or just ahead.