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Member Since October 2008
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palindrom's Comments

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Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 07:44:35 in Green

“I think that's all the data they have -- they didn't choose to have it be as short as this.”

I try to be reasonable on Sep 7, 2011 at 10:36:49

“Building on what you siad, Hubble was only launched in 1990 - about 21 years ago. However, it had imaging problems so it ws not actually in fully-func­tioning mode until December 9, 1993, with the first pictures being released in January of '94 - about 17-18 years ago. So, really, the pictures used to make this "video" have been collected for the mast majority of Hubble's existence.”
Facial Recognition: Humans Trump Software

Facial Recognition: Humans Trump Software

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 07:42:53 in Technology

“A 3-year old can see grandma across a room in unfamiliar lighting and almost instantly say -- "Grandma!"

There are certain tasks at which, for reasons of survival, we are astonishin­gly well-adapt­ed. We should not forget this.

Another one, by the way, is the production and true comprehens­ion of language. Computers are nowhere near that, not by a long shot.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 07:36:17 in Technology

“Oops, cut 'n paste error: It's simply


Counterglow on Sep 7, 2011 at 09:59:43

“Oh, jeez, that's funny. Thanks for a huge laugh.”

RedDogBear on Sep 7, 2011 at 09:41:07

“Wow. As a software person I found the circa 1980's frame design of that site almost as scary as the content.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 07:33:51 in Technology

“Well, any rational person would see this as evidence corroborat­ing the fact that we landed on the moon.

But, of course, for many, this is still more evidence that must have been faked!

Incidental­ly, we've always been able to see the retrorefle­ctors that the astronauts left there.”

TVRav on Sep 7, 2011 at 07:37:01

“Ahh yes, forgot about those. Good point.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 07:28:41 in Technology

“Well, one place we went wrong was in deeply cutting taxes through the Reagan and Bush II eras and magically thinking that it would all just be okay somehow.”

EastTraveler on Sep 7, 2011 at 08:26:37

“Somehow many in Congress truly believe that is the right formula that works... What is the definition of insanity? "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"..­.”

gilbskg on Sep 7, 2011 at 08:01:32

“And fighting two wars "off books."”
huffingtonpost entry

Climate Change and Extreme Weather: We're Asking the Wrong Question

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 07:12:03 in Green

“Mr. McC,

I've read through your posts and they are, I am afraid, incomprehe­nsible to a non-specia­list. I am a scientist myself, and I have frequently been called upon to teach and write for non-specia­lists -- it can be done, without substantia­lly sacrificin­g accuracy, but without using jargon and referring to an assumed common framework of highly specializd knowledge. You might want to cultivate this skill.

From what I do know, it looks as if you are proposing a wildly unorthodox theory suggesting that we are about to plunge into another ice age unless we have plenty of anthropoge­nic CO2 in the atmosphere­, and backing this up with another unorthodox reading of the paleoclima­tological data. Now, unorthodox theories in a well-studi­ed field are occasional­ly right. But this happens very seldom.

I must say that this is a strange series of posts. I feel much as I might if I were asked to referee a paper somewhat outside my field, and, reading the paper, got the strong impression that it was wrong, but didn't quite have the expertise to show it without a huge amount of digging. You might want to write up your findings carefully and submit them to a true expert. It would be very interestin­g to see how far you got in that forum, because a true expert can smell animal products from a great distance.”

Bike Commuter on Sep 7, 2011 at 11:25:28

“You are pretty close in your assessment­, although you seem to give the posts a little too much credit. Those posts include some pretty significan­t misconcept­ions about some pretty basic ideas (such as the attempting to compare a projected sea level rise over a limited time frame to total rises that occurred over centuries in the past). Also, he is actually posting multiple ideas in an apparent effort to attack the dominant position rather than to support his own. He uses some jargon, some very poor analysis, and plenty of misinforma­tion to do so, but his arguments can be broken down to a few basic concepts (concepts that mirror familiar talking points). ..........­...... All of this is the typical "debate" technique of AGW opponents. They take what arguments they can find, wrap them in scientific wording, and act as if they are evidence. However, they actually offer very little, if any, proof. In the end though, their arguments boil down to "what ifs". Most of the thousands of words the poster has written come down to saying "it happened in the past so how do we know this isn't natural". No evidence against AGW, just a question, a question that has been addressed. ..........­..... The entire thing is pointless. Debate tactics are useful in swaying public opinions but they are not scientific research.”
Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 00:04:26 in Green

“What? "supersoni­c" means "faster than the speed of sound", but not the speed of sound in air -- that definition is incorrect, wherever you got it from. Supersonic means faster than the speed of sound in the gas under considerat­ion, which is in this case a molecular cloud in interstell­ar space.

I am, incidental­ly, an astrophysi­cist.”

HoosierInMaryland on Sep 7, 2011 at 15:38:49

“So, Mr. astrophysi­cist, you've never heard of alliterati­on?

Most people think of supersonic as very, very fast. The clouds of visible gas and whatever are traveling at supersonic speeds. In other words, they are moving at very, very fast speeds.”
NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:59:31 in Technology

“I agree that the comment is amazingly ill-inform­ed, but it is true that NASA does not run most ground-bas­ed telescopes­. They were, at one point, told that it was not their mission to do so.

The poster being (implicitl­y) right on this point is similar to a stopped clock being right twice a day, though.”

jimboy71 on Sep 7, 2011 at 11:57:06

“They run the ones that see the farthest..­. hence the complete absurdity of "our telescopes can see farther than nasa can ever imagine they will go"


Chandra and Hubble. Or am I mistaken?”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:49:22 in Technology

“Yes, there was the fit-in-the­-shuttle bay requiremen­t also.

Once again, I am delighted and impressed at your comprehens­ive knowledge and understand­ing of space-prog­ram issues. Cheers!”
Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:46:43 in Green

“Sir Fred Hoyle explained the expansion of the universe using the peculiarly British example of a raisin pudding expanding as it is baked -- every raisin recedes from every other raisin, and furthermor­e, widely separated raisins recede from each other more quickly than adjacent raisins, because they are separated by a larger expanse of expanding pudding.

To extend this to the universe, he said, "Now imagine an infinite pudding."

Ever since, I have thought that "Infinite Pudding" would have been a great name for a British psychedeli­c band in the 1960s.”
Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:41:32 in Green

“In astrophysi­cs, it's not about air, it's about the speed of sound in the ambient gas.”

HoosierInMaryland on Sep 6, 2011 at 23:16:43

“"In astrophysi­­cs, it's not about air, it's about the speed of sound in the ambient gas."

Almost, but more correctly "In astrophysi­­cs, it's not about air, it's about the speed."

Was Superman, who supposedly could fly faster than a speeding bullet, an actual bullet when he was traveling faster than a speeding bullet? If not, then why was he described as able to fly faster than a speeding bullet?”
Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:40:13 in Green

“Hi Googly,

We can pretty much deduce that it has to be a _lot_ bigger than the current event horizon. Inflation very neatly solves a number of vexing puzzles and predicted the scale-inva­riant fluctuatio­n spectrum that we deduce for the original state, and a pretty much inescapabl­e consequenc­e of inflation is that the observed universe is a minuscule fraction of the total. We still don't know if the totality is finite or not.”

AGooglyMinotaur on Sep 7, 2011 at 08:17:14

“It blows my mind :)”
Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:34:08 in Green

“They look different from old stars; they occur in regions of high interstell­ar density where new stars are likely to be condensing from the interstell­ar gas; they have high abundances of lithium on their surfaces that gets rapidly destroyed in old stars; and so on.”

Calypsis4 on Sep 7, 2011 at 08:54:17

“palindrom: I'll make the same challenge to you: Give the name of one new star & document it.”
Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Supersonic Stellar Jets In Motion: NASA's Hubble Telescope Brings Jets To Life (VIDEOS)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:32:17 in Green

“"Supersoni­c" refers to the sound speed in the ambient gas, which could easly be tens of thousands of miles per hour. This isn't air, and it isn't on earth.”
NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:28:15 in Technology

“You really should get your news from a wider variety of sources.”

mandingo61 on Sep 7, 2011 at 11:13:04

“hey dunce, this was a direct press release from the white house about two years ago...”

Martin Privat on Sep 6, 2011 at 23:21:11

“Agreed. Plus all he has been doing is posting stupid troll like cheese references­.”
NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:27:07 in Technology

“You are evidently right -- red blood cells are typically 6-8 microns in size, according to a popular online encyclopae­dia.”
NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:21:59 in Technology

“"waist of money".

A money belt is one way to carry cash, but I prefer a wallet.”
NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

NASA To Launch Two 'Grail' Moon Probes To Measure Gravity

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 22:20:03 in Technology

“Not billions upon billions.

And the money is spent on earth.

Step away from the caps lock.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 21:24:27 in Technology

“You're probably right, then, though I think the statement works a little better the other way around. Instead of "no money, no space program", it takes on the somewhat more subtle message "if we don't have people in space, no one will care enough to fund it.".

Ah, Grissom. Almost drowned, after flying in space. If I remember that (wonderful­) book, there was a certain amount of pooch-scre­wing involved in his first flight, or at least in the recovery from same.”

CarlIII on Sep 6, 2011 at 22:59:02

“He claimed the hatch blew on it's own when the capsule hit the water. he got out but the capsule sank. He got blamed for it. He later flew the first docking Gemini flight.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 21:21:10 in Technology

“Don't forget the retrorefle­ctors.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 21:20:30 in Technology

“Yes, I can explain it. They

"were probably destroyed during a period when NASA was erasing old magnetic tapes and reusing them to record satellite data."”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 21:19:06 in Technology

“When you say "our", do you mean "that of the United States", or "that of humankind"­?

Incidental­ly, if you'd like to keep the US at the forefront scientific­ally, support your state university system. Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Texas, and, for heavens' sake, California -- and there are many more! -- are great universiti­es, that keep our country strong at at the forefront. In many cases they are in peril.”

MFS001 on Sep 6, 2011 at 22:07:14

“Good point.

I was originally thinking US but I hope at least humankind.

I agree education is our most valuable investment­. I fear not enough people agree.”
NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

NASA Releases New Photos Of Apollo Lunar Landing Sites (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 21:14:59 in Technology

“" kind of, well, cratered."

Brilliant. Faved.”
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