LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes Review

The first LEGO game you'll play for the story

Open-world exploration is new for the LEGO series, but despite all the Batmobile and Batwing fun, Gotham City isn't the innovation that stands out most: for the first time ever, the characters actually talk, rather than mumbling their way through limb-flailing melodrama. It could have been a misstep, but it's a huge improvement. Great voice acting and a witty script amplify Traveller's Tales' flair for comic timing, resulting in sustained hilarity.

This improvement allows the game to tell a decent original Batman story, and helps give the game a unique sense of character. The relationship between Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent is superb, painting Superman as a do-good dullard that the moody Dark Knight can barely tolerate. Clever jokes and sharp writing will keep grown-ups amused, and there's still plenty of silly slapstick for the kids.

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Batman & Robin's suits have been tweaked and upgraded since the last game, giving each outfit a variety of functions. Batman can turn invisible or knock out foes with an electric punch, while Robin can splatter them with acid or crush enemies in a plastic zorbing-ball. Superman can fly, fire lasers from his eyes, and freeze things solid with icy breath, but the other two characters are equally satisfying, which feels like an achievement in itself.

The 15 main story missions are designed with co-operation in mind, requiring you to use the skills of each character to solve puzzles and progress. Out in the open-world of Gotham you're encouraged to split up and explore alone, with plenty of mini-puzzle areas designed for the skills of a specific character. Whether you're saving citizens, collecting golden bricks, or squaring up against rogue DC supervillains, there's plenty to keep you busy in Gotham.

The vehicle physics won't win awards, but still feel like a vast improvement on the wonky efforts of previous games. Our only real complaint is Superman's open-world flight, which feels harder to control than we suspect was intended.

The new scale and scope bring some teething problems, but LEGO Batman 2 is still fantastic stuff. The combo-multiplier gives you a reason not to get yourself killed, and the level design is interesting and varied. New ways to interact with the environment ensure that you don't feel like you're just repeatedly smashing everything to pieces, and puzzles are great fun despite their simplicity. It's all far less whimsical this time, too: You'll solve puzzles because you understand the problem, not because you gave a monkey a banana.

Trimming off dead-weight as often as it adds something new, this is the strongest LEGO game yet. We've had seven years' worth of iterations, but these cheeky blocks of plastic are still fantastic.

The OXM verdict

  • Dialogue is genuinely funny
  • Awesome DC characters to collect
  • Batmobile + Batwing = Oh boy
  • Improved puzzles and level design
  • Flying feels imprecise
The score

The best Superman game you'll ever play

9 10
Xbox 360
Traveller's Tales
Warner Bros.


12 comments so far...

  1. Sounds brilliant.

    Pre-ordered. :D

  2. I love Lego batman so I'll no doubt get down to the shops at then end of the month and get it for the kids of course :roll: good way around the missus :lol:

    Oh Matt is the co-op split screen or have they introduced Xbox live to it yet?

  3. I love Lego batman so I'll no doubt get down to the shops at then end of the month and get it for the kids of course :roll: good way around the missus :lol:

    Oh Matt is the co-op split screen or have they introduced Xbox live to it yet?

    Split-screen only I'm afraid. I don't think they have a big enough demand for Xbox Live support to justify the additional costs of coding it. This one should be great to play with kids. One of the things I really loved about it is the fact it has a lot in common with really good children's TV: There are plenty of sharp jokes that are specifically aimed at adults/parents, I laughed out loud a number of times. :)

  4. I found all the Lego games so far extremely humorous,and now with added voice even better.

    Think I'll pass on playing it with the kids though, they don't do what you tell them and just run off, I'll be better off on my own

  5. Adding VO makes the LEGO games 100x more appealing to me. I found the miming endlessly tedious and the reason I've only played the first LEGO Indy and LEGO Star Wars II. I tried the demo earlier today and quite enjoyed it; I think I'd wait before buying, though, as LEGO LOTR is a must buy for me and I don't want to risk tiring of the admittedly repetitive nature of the games before getting my hands on it.

  6. Adding VO makes the LEGO games 100x more appealing to me. I found the miming endlessly tedious and the reason I've only played the first LEGO Indy and LEGO Star Wars II. I tried the demo earlier today and quite enjoyed it; I think I'd wait before buying, though, as LEGO LOTR is a must buy for me and I don't want to risk tiring of the admittedly repetitive nature of the games before getting my hands on it.

    I thought this was going to be my first lego game purchase since the original SW one which i didn't much get on with, but there's a LOTR one coming? :shock: I love Batman & Superman but LOTR they are not... When? When is this? Lego Gollum will be awesome! :D

  7. Adding VO makes the LEGO games 100x more appealing to me. I found the miming endlessly tedious and the reason I've only played the first LEGO Indy and LEGO Star Wars II. I tried the demo earlier today and quite enjoyed it; I think I'd wait before buying, though, as LEGO LOTR is a must buy for me and I don't want to risk tiring of the admittedly repetitive nature of the games before getting my hands on it.

    I thought this was going to be my first lego game purchase since the original SW one which i didn't much get on with, but there's a LOTR one coming? :shock: I love Batman & Superman but LOTR they are not... When? When is this? Lego Gollum will be awesome! :D

    My precioussssss

  8. I am at a bit of a dilema here. Lego Batman 2 for £16.99 (priced till friday) or the Skyrim DLC? Toughest choice of my life. :oops:

  9. My precioussssss

    That's pretty, pretty,

    Plus, Sean Bean? That makes anything a day one purchase, ever.

  10. The game is great fun like all the other Lego games before it.
    The only problem i have is with the map and having to try to find things with it you can spend ages looking for something and that really takes the fun out of what could have been a great game and a 10 out of 10.
    Because of the map i would give it 9 out of 10 due to the fact its just rubbish

  11. The kids have been playing it since they came in from school and love it, a few arguments, but no fistie cuffs yet.

    Adding VO makes the LEGO games 100x more appealing to me. I found the miming endlessly tedious and the reason I've only played the first LEGO Indy and LEGO Star Wars II. I tried the demo earlier today and quite enjoyed it; I think I'd wait before buying, though, as LEGO LOTR is a must buy for me and I don't want to risk tiring of the admittedly repetitive nature of the games before getting my hands on it.

    Lego LOTR is a must have for me, I can't wait

  12. Any news on patch for around level 12? It's VERY frustrating and shows a lack of play testing surely?