Coalition's NBN cheaper? No says MyNetFone CEO

Rene Sugo said while the Coalition's NBN could be delivered cheaper than the Federal Government's NBN, using the existing copper network will result in higher costs or service issues

MyNetFone's CEO has rebuked Malcolm Turnbull's claims the Coalition could deliver a cheaper model for the National Broadband Network (NBN), stating the cost of maintaining the copper network will add to a fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) deployment.

While Rene Sugo conceded the shadow minister for communications and broadband's approach of using fibre-to-the-node would be cheaper, he has called on the Coalition to provide analysis and research on what speeds would be guaranteed on a FTTN network.

"There are lots of issues around using the copper which will add cost or degrade the level of service that will be delivered by a fibre-to-the-node solution," he told Computerworld Australia.

Turnbull has consistently stated the Coalition could deliver a cheaper NBN – and sooner - than the one currently being rolled out by the Federal Government via fibre-to-the-node (FTTN), which would result in cheaper prices for consumers as NBN Co would not need as high a return on investment.

"Fibre-to-the-node, around the world, costs between one quarter and one third of fibre-to-the-premises. That is the experience in North America and Europe. And in Australia with very high labor costs the differential would likely be even more," he said in a blog post.

Turnbull did not state how much cheaper the Coalition could deliver the NBN.

Not only will a FTTN deployment also result in higher long-term costs, Sugo also said the quality and validity of Australia’s copper network, which provides the last mile between the network node and premises, is one of the biggest challenges for ISPs at the moment.

“The copper is very old. In some areas there isn’t enough of it. In other areas it’s really bad quality and if it rains you get service issues. Sometimes you get people up the road from one another having totally different speeds available and it’s all because of the copper,” he said.

“I think the reason we need a new NBN is to provide a truly universal service … If you’re looking at relying on the existing copper network you’re going to inherent all of the quality issues that we have today. I don’t see a way around it.”

Sugo also cited the availability of the copper network as an additional issue, with companies like Telstra using pair gain technology which allows the telco to provide two phones on one piece of copper.

“Once you have pair gain technology you can’t offer DSL or any form of broadband out of that copper,” Sugo said.

“Telstra’s also using what’s called RIMs, which is a remote module. If there’s a new estate built out in [the] metro surrounding the city, they’ll put a RIM in there. RIMs don’t have 100 per cent capability to offer DSL or broadband.”

Sugo said wireless is also an unviable solution for connecting a large number of premises to the NBN due to spectrum limitations, particularly in high density areas.

“You’ve got to keep in mind if [regional] areas do over populate with houses or apartment blocks you will need to start putting fibre in at some stage in the future,” he said.

“Certainly fibre-to-the-node in a lot of areas around Sydney, Melbourne or [any] capital city where the copper is old, unless they’re planning on replacing the copper, I think they’re going to have problems.”

Turnbull also argued that if technology can deliver broadband requirements to premises at the moment, it makes sense to deploy it now instead of waiting to deliver maximum potential bandwidth. However, Sugo said Australia needs scalable NBN technology which will help the country plan for broadband growth.

“We need technology that is scalable and the beauty about fibre and optics is that it’s almost infinitely scalable. You can use DWDM [dense wave division mulitplexing] technology [and] they’re improving the bitrate on fibre all the time as well so there’s so much technical advancement there,” he said.

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Lord Rocker

Mon 23/07/2012 - 20:55

YES! Now this should be put on the front pages of the MSM! It would be if he was against it!



Mon 23/07/2012 - 21:33

Lots of "if this or if that happens" assumption in this article? Sounds like it was writtern by Pro Labor supporter rather that a transperent objective article. With the ongoing release of mobile wireless devices and the high demand for anywhere, anytime internet access the NBN seems to be a little old school and really missed the boat attempting to tie us down to a cable for internet access? The Liberals answer isn't that much better. That's the problem with poliies living in there Canberra bubble which often seems fare removed from the reality of life the rest of us live.


Abel Adamski

Mon 23/07/2012 - 22:40

You highlight the issue we have.
Good News
Libs will win and you will get what you want. Just don't whinge when the realities bite.
Any technical discussion that raises issues with the Liberal Short term Solution which in reality will never be upgraded, just patched up due to cost, is "Pro Labor".
Like it or not Pro NBN ers are not necessarily Labor Voters or supporters, just PRACTICAL Technically knowledgeable REALISTS



Mon 23/07/2012 - 22:51

What "if this or that happens" assumptions are you referring to? The only one I can see is "if it rains", and I can assure you that happens relatively frequently.

The fact is, you have to use copper under a FttN plan, that's not an assumption. The other fact is that the current copper is falling apart, it is the reason ADSL is so unreliable. Just because that copper starts getting used in FttN doesn't magically fix the copper. So you either have to pay to fix the copper, or have exactly the same problems we have now.

Why build an FttN broadband network if it doesn't fix anything? There is no reason, you would have to pay the cash to fix it, and you would have to pay the high ongoing costs of maintaining it, and paying Telstra to let you use it.



Tue 24/07/2012 - 04:02

What has been said in this article makes a lot of sense and I'm not even a Labor voter.

In a FTTN solution the copper is still there, the copper (so many decades old) is the current weak point and will remain that way if it's use for the last mile.



Tue 24/07/2012 - 05:08

Bring on FTTN!
I live in a metro area and the best speed I can get is a lousy 4MB/s. If Mr Turnbull has his way I'll be lucky to ever get any better than this.



Tue 24/07/2012 - 05:10

Oops - I mean bring on FTTP! How embarrasment.



Tue 24/07/2012 - 07:44

The original copper was layed between 1880 and 1940, not idea how much of the original is left. At my place I cant get ADSL Im 3 k from the exchange the copper is longer. We own 2 units and both suffer line noise every time it rains. Even if the the coalition installed FTTN it would have to be replaced within 10 years ( thats 10 years starting 2 years ago) with FTTH to keep pace with the demand. Do it once and do it right, FTTH is the most cost effective way to go. The coalition know this, they use the ignorance of the general public purely to gain votes and Labor would do the same.



Tue 24/07/2012 - 09:28

I'm only a Labor voter because of the coalition's NBN policy. Would love to vote against Gillard, but simply can't vote for FttN.


Richard Ure

Tue 24/07/2012 - 12:08

When “forced” to upgrade to digital television receivers, how many people spend their own money on television receivers no grander than their analogue TVs? Experience shows most people, spending their own money, choose to over-upgrade.

In short, consumers' hunger for technology is greater than the Libs give them credit for. Tony Abbott’s announcement of their NBN policy on 7.30 Report says it all: shortermism.



Tue 24/07/2012 - 12:50

@10 Richard, you rightly note that people 'choose to over-upgrade.' Maybe that's because people aren't stupid, and they know that as technology advances they need to keep up with it to meet their future needs.

The coalition's supposedly 'cheaper and faster' FTTN, etc alternative relies on a grab-bag of outdated technologies. It would be no faster to rollout, given the headstart that NBN will have by the time the coalition wins power.

And by the time the FTTP NBN is scheduled for completion, the coalition's network architecture would already be out of date.

Not much common sense in that!



Tue 24/07/2012 - 15:33


I agree wholeheartedly - the only reason I am voting for Labor is for the NBN! I'm sure there are many in the same boat!

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