Set Rotation Lock in Universe Browser | webOS Nation

Set Rotation Lock in Universe Browser 1

by Adam Marks Wed, 11 Jul 2012 11:17 pm EDT

Universe Browser optionsAlthough webOS 3.0 on the TouchPad brought the ability to set a orientation rotation lock, we have never had this functionality built into webOS phones. However, if you want to be able to set the ability to lock in our phone's rotation while browsing the web you need to check out Universe Browser by OpenMobl Systems. In addition to giving you some advanced features such as Google Bookmark sync, private browsing and the ability to open local html files, you can also now set your rotation lock with the single tap of a screen.

In order to set the rotation lock in Universe, you first need to add it as an onscreen button

  1. Open Universe Browser
  2. Swipe down from the top-left to bring down the Application Dropdown menu and select "View Options..."
  3. You then need to decide where you want the button to go. There are five available spots, with the General section referring to the two buttons on the bottom-left and the Extended section for the three buttons on the bottom right.
  4. Select "Orientation Lock" in your desired spot
  5. Then, just swipe-up to minimize the View Options card and swipe it off the top of the screen to close that card.
  6. Go back to Universe Browser and the Orientation Lock icon ( Rotation lock ) will now be there for you to tap whenever u want to set it (it will be highlighted blue when set)

Note that if you start browsing and the buttons on the bottom of the screen disappear, just tap the gesture area once and then tap anywhere on the screen and the buttons should reappear.

Universe Web Browser is available in the webOS App Catalog for $2.99 and is compatible with all webOS devices running webOS 1.4.5 or higher

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1 Comment

I like universe browser. Problem is without the ability to select default browser it gets maddening using two browsers, bookmarks, etc arrggghh

Actually not that easy to tell when its highlighted or not but very useful, especially for those of us who use the keyboard that crashes in landscape and to stop it spinning around when trying to browse in bed. The buttons disappear on page load only if one selects hide icons, and tapping the gesture area then the screen brings them back. Very nice.