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BioWare Mythic versus CVG on the free-to-play debate

Posted on Thursday 19th Jul 2012 at 11:34 AM UTC

BioWare Mythic versus CVG on the free-to-play debate

The free-to-play business model routinely courts controversy yet there is no definitive, unifying reasons as to why. When examining the views of the CVG community, it appears there's no consensus on why some people dislike it and why others have no problems. Read more… 14

Descent Horizon: How Dead Space 3 is touching down planetside

Posted on Thursday 19th Jul 2012 at 11:10 AM UTC

Descent Horizon: How Dead Space 3 is touching down planetside

We've seen things in Dead Space 3 that you wouldn't believe. We've seen a head with spidery legs crawl onto a dead body and bring it to life, turning it into a shambling zombie capable of firing the machinegun still gripped by the corpse's cold, stiff fingers. Read more… 8

Kingdom Hearts 3D review: A game that thrills... in small doses

Posted on Thursday 19th Jul 2012 at 9:57 AM UTC

Kingdom Hearts 3D review: A game that thrills... in small doses

The last time we played Kingdom Hearts: 3D it was for a couple of hand-picked sections, smothered in kanji and with a helpful producer on-hand to put us back on track whenever we got lost. We enjoyed our time with the game, but after an hour of play, in a segment specifically chosen to showcase the game's strengths, we felt exhausted. Now imagine how we feel after playing the finished game. Read more… 9

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