Sony NSZ-GT1

If you're in the market for a new Google TV, be aware that Sony's obtusely named NSZ-GT1 is now shipping from Amazon for a couple hundred bucks. That's still twice as much as's new Google TV, and we're still not entirely sure where, exactly, the fate of Google TV lies with the likes of the Nexus Q nipping at its heels. But, hey, $200 isn't quite going to break the bank. So if you wanna check it out hit the link below.

Source: Amazon


There are 15 comments. Add yours.

slikone27 says:

I think this should be Sony NSZ-GS7 and the link is wrong too. It takes you to the old blu-ray one

Honeycomb or ICS?

Shadowriver says:

There no ICS Google TV

Jayshmay says:

So the new one is ONLY an internet device, no built-in Blu-Ray player?
Blu-Ray player WITH built-in Wi-Fi would make it worth more!!!

EboMike says:

The Blu-Ray version is slated for some time in October (presumably for $299).

The headline, source link, etc are all wrong. Call an editor stat!

Also, Sony has been selling this for a while on their own website for the same price...

bplewis24 says:

I received this like 2 weeks ago direct from

roninlb says:

How much better would this thing be than my Roku?
If it's that good, I'll wait for someone else other than Sony to come out with a good one.

Jayshmay says:

Google TV/3D Blu-Ray Player WITH Built-in Wi-Fi will be my next Blu-Ray player, that will be an interesting experience!!!

Is the QWERTY keyboard backlit?

lakedubvt says:

Just ordered one and with my prime account I will be getting it before the Nexus 7 that I ordered from Google back in June!

Gimik says:

Thinking about returning my extra Nexus 7 and getting one of these >.< That remote is sex.

Hand_O_Death says:

I am still waiting for the CoStar to become available. $100 and has dlna. If the Vulkano app works with it,I will even buy more.

marisdaman says:

Why would anyone buy any streaming products by Sony now the they use Cinavia? I hate that this has been implemented on my PS3! And from what i hear all Sony internet connected device will eventually have it at some point.even if it's not a Sony product and has Blu-Ray player installed it will be subject to Cinavia updates! I hate going through the hassle of getting rid of this digital watermark! Your thoughts?

S_C_B says:

The source link is still wrong. SMH.