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    27 weeks 22 hours ago
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    Premiering this spring, ForbesLife will mark the next step in Forbes’ multi-platform re-architecture journey. The new ForbesLife provides intimate connections to the people changing the world from the perspective of their passions and pursuits—providing access to those with the means and knowledge to experience the best the world has to offer.[...]... Continue

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    47 weeks 1 day ago
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    In a business environment increasingly dominated by metrics, measurements, and data-driven decision-making, marketing executives find themselves under more scrutiny than ever. Less emphasis is being placed on branding—the traditional realm of the CMO—and more on customer acquisition, conversion, and retention. While top-level marketers agree that the proliferation of customer and campaign data is helping, not hindering, their efforts to produce ROI, many are at risk of falling behind as expectations and tactics are evolving at a breakneck pace.[...]... Continue

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    1 year 6 days ago
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    Forbes Insights releases “Global Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering Innovation Through a Diverse Workforce,” a study examining global trends in employee diversity and inclusion. In particular, the study focuses on the link between diversity and innovation, and how senior executives now recognize that a diverse set of experiences, perspectives and backgrounds is crucial to innovation and development of new ideas.[...]... Continue