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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: A modest proposal

Around Azeroth A modest proposal SUNDAY
"I met my (now) fiancé while at work, but without WoW we would never have truly hit it off," writes submitter Milena of Least I Could Do on Spinebreaker (US-H). "So I wanted to do something a little geeky while I was down on one knee. I spent about two hours spamming in trade chat on Spinebreaker and found 28 people willing to help me in my quest to propose. I wanted to send in this submission so everyone could see what 28 random strangers helped me do!" Apparently the red lasers on the red ground didn't confuse his girlfriend much, since she said yes.

Congratulations, Milena and future wife!

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth Beta Edition: Please do not unleash the kraken

Around Azeroth Beta Edition Please do not unleash the kraken SATURDAY
After his big-budget summer disaster movie ran out of money for special effects close to the end of filming, beta tester Drahken knew he had to take drastic steps if he ever wanted to finish his movie, recoup his money and not get his kneecaps broken by angry goblin investors. So with a very small ship, a compliant naga friend and a little bit of forced perspective, he was able to film the climax of the movie without breaking the bank, although he had to edit out the turtle in post-production.

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Filed under: Around Azeroth, Mists of Pandaria

Around Azeroth: Because it's there

Around Azeroth Because it's there FRIDAY
Well, we've finally killed the Whale Shark. We deluded ourselves into wasting our valuable time for nothing but a perfunctory achievement. Now can we please get the hell out of here before D.E.H.T.A. shows up to harpoon us or the local environmental protection agency decides we should be responsible for cleaning up that corpse? (Thanks to Salmacis of Insidious on Nagrand [US-A], who joined with guildmates Ceer and Canofcoke to take down this colossus.)

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Freud would have a field day

Around Azeroth Freud would have a field day THURSDAY
After many years of therapy to deal with his fear of intimacy, Pangeos of Knights Tale on Quel'dorei (US-A) finally resorted to hypnosis. He discovered this repressed memory from his time in the Twilight Highlands, which helped shed some light on both his problems in relationships and his refusal to try calamari. But his therapist reminded him that he still needs to stay in treatment to work through his issues with his parents. The long life spans of night elves apparently have their own sets of problems -- a 300-year childhood can leave you with a lot of lingering resentments.

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: A restroom of eternal rest

Around Azeroth A restroom of eternal rest WEDNESDAY
"Our guild leader recently sent us on a scavenger hunt throughout Azeroth," writes submitter Branni of The Wolfpack on Llane (US-H). "During my flight through Thousand Needles, I had the sudden urge to go. The only restroom I could find was underwater, and it was locked and seemed to be occupied. I waited for about 20 minutes until I realized that maybe I should move on."

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: That infernal whirlpool

Around Azeroth That infernal whirlpool TUESDAY
When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. Then the abyss makes fun of how silly spiky hair looks from above, notes that your cape has marinara sauce stains on it, and tells you that holy paladins are a good class for guys who are too insecure about their masculinity to heal in cloth like nature intended. Then the abyss laughs as you go home and eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra while occasionally breaking into sobs. The abyss is kind of a jerk that way. (Thanks to submitter Granficus of IndependenT on Crushridge [EU-A] for the screenshot. And before you get angry, readers, know that I love my paladin.)

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Some pig

Around Azeroth Some pig MONDAY
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "Spectacular Death decided to pay a certain dragon a visit. After an hour spent wiping on various platforms, Pinkel realized the group was without their mascot, Mr. Wiggles. Gimmlette brought the pig, and Deathwing was so shocked at the sight that he died for the guild achievement. As Jakala put it, 'If you have an unnatural obsession with bacon, you might be in Spectacular Death.'"

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Dry bones

Around Azeroth Dry bones SUNDAY
Welcome to Moku's House O' Bones! We're here to serve all your necromantic needs with our lovely supply of skeletal part. Now, we're currently overstocked on ogre humeruses (humeri?), blood elf ribcages and trogg skulls, so those are 75% off. Just pick one from the pile. Your reanimated skeleton may look a little mismatched, but the savings are unbelievable! (Thanks to submitter Pixlie of Polar Opposites on Windrunner [US-A] for this screenshot from Karazhan!)

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Or am I caught in a hit and run?

Around Azeroth Or am I caught in a hit and run SATURDAY
Roleplaying can be brutal. Blood elves Kaelstra and Zeaa of Reckoning on Wyrmrest Accord (US-H) were meeting for a friendly chat and drink in Gadgetzan when they got into a bit of an argument about an orc they both fancied. Tempers were lost, bottles were thrown, hair was pulled, and somehow Kaelstra ended up entangled in the back wheel of Zeaa's motorcycle. Kaelstra reports that the actual impact with Zeaa's bike was significantly less painful than the subsequent ride through the scorpion fields of Tanaris.

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Stewing in your own juices

Around Azeroth Stewing in your own juices FRIDAY
Submitter Blazealot of Twisting Nether (EU-H) writes, "I was putting the final touches on my archaeology dissertation for Professor Jones while traversing the ogre-laden wilderness of Feralas when I happened upon this poor fellow, still boiling away in what I can only describe as the single most ingenious use of what appears to be a branch by the local native ogre population in over five thousand years. If memory serves, the last time an ogre had a human and a stick to play with, the ogre in question only succeeded in fouling the broth. My mage looked on behind the scene with abject horror, all too coldly reminded of our temporary existence."

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth Beta Edition: Flutterby

Around Azeroth Beta Edition Flutterby THURSDAY
"My dragon turtle mount couldn't be bothered to care about the frantic attempts organize a raid group to kill world boss Galleon last night in the Valley of the Four Winds," complains beta tester Ayrastark of the Lost Isles beta server. "Even 'LFM GALLEON BE ON YOUTUBE FREE KITTEHS!' did not sway him from the simpler pleasure of his amateur entomological interests."

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Filed under: Around Azeroth, Mists of Pandaria

Around Azeroth: A vengeful spirit

Around Azeroth A vengeful spirit WEDNESDAY
"I was flying around Grizzly Hills in the early morning hours farming cobalt on my shammy when my NPC scanner went off," writes submitter Aesaa of Staghelm (US-H). "I headed over to see my old pal Arcturis padding placidly along the riverbank. After spending several hours camping the rare glow bear on my hunter, I wanted to make sure he wouldn't 'go to waste' (so to speak.) So I whispered nine hunters on my server letting them know he was up. Unfortunately, no one wanted him, so I spent a few minutes taking pictures of this awesome beast. This one was my favorite! I hope that as I logged off, some lucky hunter was able to nab him."

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Mistaken identity

Around Azeroth Mistaken identity TUESDAY
"This is perhaps not the best setup for a screenshot, but I felt this fellow deserved a submission for something like this," writes submitter Sinderion of Shadow Council (US-A). "Winslo of Emerald Dream (US-A) has been chilling around the gnome that teleports you back from the water target on Darkmoon Island. He is dressed almost exactly like the normal gnome via transmogrification, and offers half-price transportation back to the cannon in his chopper sidecar. I've played WoW almost since launch and this is one of the coolest things I've seen to date. I love the originality."

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: The secret life of the apex predator

Around Azeroth The hard life of the apex predator MONDAY
This is what happens when you feed the bears, folks. They end up as juvenile delinquents, swinging from chandeliers, getting into drunken bar fights, or breaking into cars to feast on the succulent infants inside. Luckily, a worgen security guard arrived just in time to break up this fight before anyone got seriously hurt. He also got a chance to show off his pretty aqua bulletproof vest. (Thanks to bear on the right Toralea of Blessed of Elune on Kirin Tor [US-A] for the screenshot!)

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth: Terrorguard rising

Around Azeroth Terrorguard rising SUNDAY
"I was just minding my own business, heading back to Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula to turn in some quests, when suddenly I was dismounted by an unexpected attack," writes submitter Vadrok of Earthen Ring (US-H). "As I was quite high in the sky, I promptly fell to my death. After using the Reincarnation spell to resurrect myself, I looked up in the sky and there was this bugged terrorguard, glaring at me."

It's nice to see an enemy evolving. I always wondered why terrorguards couldn't do more than hover a couple of feet off the ground with those big wings.

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Filed under: Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth

Around Azeroth

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