A journey across Tamriel: from Morrowind to Skyrim

Whopping video tour of three Elder Scrolls worlds

It's the first week of the New Year, and save for a new game announcement tomorrow, absolutely nothing's happening.

We've got time on our hands, and so, in all likelihood, have you. However will we fill the long, long hours between now and the Mass Effect 3 demo? This abysmally massive video tour of Elder Scrolls III through V is a good place to start.

Starring freed Argonian slave, our video takes you across Morrowind, Cyrodiil, Skyrim, two consoles and close to 10 years of gaming history. We've chopped it into three parts for ease of consumption. Bring your own lunch.

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Save for bears, ice spectres are Skyrim's most irritating villains.
Parts of Morrowind and Cyrodiil exist on the Skyrim disc, in case you hadn't heard. This may have something to do with Skyrim DLC. Here are eight things we want from the latter.

Polish off with a look round the Player's Map of Skyrim.

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