Steve Ballmer

Steve Ballmer

Net Worth
$15.7 B As of March 2012
At a Glance
  • Age: 56
  • Source of Wealth: Microsoft, Self-made
  • Residence: Hunts Point, WA
  • Country of Citizenship: United States
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts / Science, Harvard University; Drop Out, Stanford University
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Children: 3

Microsoft shares are higher than they've been in ten years as Chief Executive Steve Ballmer continues to wage battles with Google and Apple in the post-PC era, while trying to preserve the wildly profitable Windows empire. The company's new product blitz continues with well-received mobile software, the Kinect mobile control system for Xbox and cloud-computing services. Microsoft's $240 million investment in Facebook in 2007 is now worth about $1 billion. Ballmer, who's been CEO since 2000, has been hinting at an eventual exit, selling 18% of his shares in November 2010 and making his last keynote appearance at the giant CES trade show in January 2012. A Detroit native, he dropped out of a Stanford M.B.A. program to join Harvard classmate Bill Gates in 1980 as employee number 30 at Microsoft. Ballmer keeps his philanthropy quiet. He entertains partners and executives in a private room at an undisclosed restaurant in Seattle. Otherwise he works, goes to the gym and hangs out with his family. [...] more

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Key Connections
Market Update
Largest public holding
Political Contributions
Total $0
Recent Contributions
2007-2010, Federal Elections Comission
The data in this section is provided by Morningstar and is based on federal disclosure filings. Figures here may differ from Forbes estimates that take into account more recent changes.
Microsoft Corporation
Compensation for 2011
Salary $682,500
Bonus $682,500
Restricted stock awards $0
All other compensation $11,915
Option awards $0
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $0
Total Compensation $1,376,915
Stock Ownership for 2010
Number of shares owned 333,252,990
Financial data provided by