Daily Muse

Daily Muse, Contributor

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7/06/2012 @ 11:50AM |66,221 views

Your LinkedIn Intervention: 5 Changes You Must Make

LinkedIn is, far and away, the most advantageous social networking tool available to job seekers and business professionals today. Far and away.

So why is it that so many of us stink at LinkedIn etiquette?

That’s right, folks. We stink at it.

We send out lazy, generic connection requests. We ask people we barely know for recommendations. We ambush people, asking for favors before we’ve ever spent even two seconds of time building rapport. We shove our Tweets through our LinkedIn feeds, even though half the people on LinkedIn could care less about Twitter.

You want to use LinkedIn to your massive networking advantage? Then you need to start working strategically and mindfully. And before you even think about logging on next time—you need to digest a few basic rules of etiquette.

1. Generic Requests are for Suckers

I’m going to assume that you use care in selecting who you’re going to invite into your LinkedIn network (you should). Why then, do you send them this note: “Debbie has indicated you are a friend?”

This generic invite is a huge turnoff to the majority of LinkedIn users—especially those who get dozens of requests each week, or who don’t really know who you are or why you’re attempting to link up. (Fact: I ignore each and every generic connection request I get.)

You absolutely must send a personalized note to every single person you’d like to connect with, telling them who you are and why you’re inviting them to connect. Sure, some of these people are your pals and they’ll know you right away. But in every instance that you extend an invite to a professional (or relatively unknown) contact? You have to introduce yourself and outline your goals and intentions.

2. When You Ask for a Recommendation, Be Specific (and Know the Person)

Clearly, LinkedIn recommendations can be massively advantageous. Third-party endorsements are job-seeking gold, especially when they come from clients, supervisors, or prominent professionals. So, don’t squander this opportunity by sending a vague or wishy-washy request for the recommendation (and definitely don’t ask people you barely know for an endorsement).

A great request will let the person know why you’re approaching, what, specifically, you’re looking for, and for what you intend to use the recommendation. Example:

Hi Susan, I’m currently seeking a new project management opportunity and wanted to ask if you’d be willing to provide a recommendation outlining your experience working with me. Specifically, I’m looking at positions that require an ability to view the ‘big picture’ and then assemble resources to ensure a project is completed on time and to budget.

If you could speak to my skills with managing both ‘big picture’ projects and critical details, I would be very grateful.”

It’s also a good idea to email the person directly before you send the LinkedIn recommendation request. This helps ensure that no one feels ambushed or obliged.

3. Avoid the Default Text Like the Plague

LinkedIn has some very nifty templates and default text available, which makes it so easy to do things like request an introduction to someone’s contact. Don’t do it. Just like you’re not going to send a generic connection request, you absolutely cannot use the LinkedIn default text to communicate with professional contacts. Make it personal. Make it specific. Make it clear that you’re not the laziest person alive.

4. Stop Tying Your Tweets to Your LinkedIn Feed

I don’t care how simple HootSuite and TweetDeck make it for you to integrate your Twitter feed into your LinkedIn status updates. Resist the urge. You’re dealing with two entirely different audiences, with different personalities, writing styles, and lingo.

Twitter is like a summer cocktail party. In all likelihood, not many people will bat an eye if you get drunk and fall into the pool. LinkedIn is the mixer that follows your big professional conference. Surely, you can be conversational in your LinkedIn updates. You just can’t get drunk and fall into the pool. Big difference—and good reason not to integrate the two.

5. Review Spelling and Grammar Like Your Life Depended on It

I’m continuously simultaneously entertained and horrified by the sloppy mistakes that come my way in LinkedIn requests. You want to establish a great connection or score a favor, introduction, or recommendation? Spell well. Brand yourself right from the start as a smart, articulate, and precise human being.

When it comes to LinkedIn, stop stinking, start thinking. And use these rules as your compass.

This article was originally published on The Daily Muse. For more on using social media in your professional life, check out:

Jenny Foss operates a Portland, OR based recruiting firm, Ladder Recruiting Group, and is creator of the blog JobJenny.Your job search BFF and tough love expert on finding career passion, Jenny recently wrote her first ebook, To Whom It May Concern: Or, How to Stop Sucking at Your Job Search. You may also find Jenny on Twitter @JobJenny.

Photo courtesy of smi23le.

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  • Eric Milic Eric Milic 1 week ago

    good advice but nothing new here..

    • Called-out comment
  • cata2200 cata2200 1 week ago

    Thanks God no “Like” button on this page (and link to Facebook), and I’ll agree 80% with what is in this article.

    However, we need to think that LinkedIn is (still) a Social Networking (???) and not all members are faithful to the term of “professionalism”.

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  • Simon Morton Simon Morton 1 week ago

    “5. Review Spelling and Grammar Like Your Life Depended on It”

    So, for example, don’t say “could care less” when you mean “couldn’t care less”?

  • teardowns teardowns 1 week ago

    I’m pretty sure Twitter took care of #4 this week – I believe they no longer permit “tweets” to be tied to Linkedin accounts.



  • teardowns teardowns 1 week ago

    I’m pretty sure Twitter took care of #4 – I believe this week they made the change that no longer permits “tweets” to be tied to Linkedin accounts.



    • Called-out comment
  • Thanks for the great reminders. I’ve been guilty of more than a couple of the lazy practices mentioned in your article. Each time I didn’t put the effort into sending out something personalized I have admonished myself because I knew better.

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  • Joanne M Joanne M 1 week ago

    Your argument is partly correct, it is true that most of us lack the skills for proper networking. But I tested the very thing that you are talking about. 4 weeks ago, I sent the standard LinkedIn greeting to 600 contacts on my list. Some of these people I knew and some I didn’t. While some did respond by asking who I was (5 so far), approximatly 50% responded with the standard LinkedIn reply. Your assumption that one should personalize the greeting is not entirely correct. First of all, I do not have time to read long winded introductions! Most people loose interest after the first sentence. I tried other methods of introduction, but LinkedIn has, by far, the best introduction. It is short and sweet, it explains how each contact can benefit one another. Its quick and simple. And while I did get some rejections, most of them just ignored the greeting. If your looking to fill up your contact list, the quickest and most effecient way is to use the Linkedin standard greeting!

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  • Sending out 600 connection requests on Linked in is only one potential approach. I only link to people I know well enough to actually be able to say how I know them, and what their business is about, should someone ask me to introduce them. I get annoyed at connection requests from people I either don’t know or barely know. I usually send back a reply that if they would like to actually meet/get to know each other then I would connect at that point. Usually crickets after that…

  • sigmadelta sigmadelta 1 week ago

    Spot on.
    Well articulated.

    Excellence through self-direction and awareness is the alchemy of meaningful social connections and evolution, beyond any one-size fits all formula.

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  • Tim Tim 1 week ago

    Teardowns is of course quite right as Twitter have withdrawn their api to link tweets into the LinkedIn feed. But having said that you completely miss the utility of Twitter and should read http://futureofbiz.org/future/why-twitter-matters/

  • rcialone rcialone 1 week ago

    Generally good article, but you assume that all who use Twitter do so only for idle chatter and small talk. I never use it that way.

  • Gbemileke! Gbemileke! 1 week ago

    nice advice, i will implement the detailed strategy ASAP….

  • In regard to #4 – I believe you may have missed the memo, Jenny. Tweets will no longer appear in the LinkedIn news feed. And I do agree that this is a good step. I just hope that LinkedIn users will continue to post news and information, as well as appropriate status updates to the platform. Otherwise, our feeds will be filled with “Sammy Smith is now connected to Joe Johnson,” or “Annie Archer changed her profile.” And while that can be helpful, it makes for a boring news feed. Take a moment and look at yours right now and check how many people are posting news or status updates. Pretty slim. So yes, the Twitter, LinkedIn breakup will make us re-think our LinkedIn strategy.

    However, I need to shout here that Twitter is NOT the lushy step sister of LinkedIn that Jenny claims it to be. There are oodles of professional conversations, industry chats and useful information shared on a consistent basis. Because I use Twitter for business, not only would people bat an eye AND raise an eyebrow if I got drunk and fell in the pool, but I would loose clients and valuable contacts. That’s not part of my brand identity and not the type of tweets you’ll see on my feed. You can be social and professional on Twitter. Yes, Tweeps are more fun than Linkers, but there’s more interaction and conversation taking place in that arena.

    Twitter is also the space where everyone discusses the convention they are attending, as well as the mixer following the professional conference. Does anyone take that conversation, what they are learning and who they are meeting to LinkedIn?

    Other than tip #4 – spot on advice. Never hurts to examine your account and refresh your strategic approach.

    Cheers and thanks for posting.