
Linkedin is the social network for work professionals created by Reid Hoffman in 2002. There are 161 million professionals worldwide who have connected with Linkedin since its official launch in May 2003. Every second that number grows by two more memberships, according to company stats.

Linkedin members actively look for jobs and read work-related content on the platform. In 2011, there were 4.2 billion "professionally-oriented searches" that number is set to surge to 5.3 billion in 2012. On the network users can search for jobs, join work-related groups, and submit job applications through Apply With Linkedin.

Linkedin's headquarters are in Mountain View, Calif., but it has offices in more than 20 locations around the world. The world's largest professional social network has made great leaps into the mobile space. In 2012, it launched an iPad app, in addition to updated iPhone and Android apps.

In May, Linkedin bought slideshow presentation platform SlideShare for $119 million. Linkedin also acquired email startup Rapportive. The company is focused on new partnerships that will enable better professional connections and content for its global userbase.

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