Rudi Esterhuysen

If I don't come across as a nice person then let me just apologize in advance. Although please don't be afraid to take me on when you feel I'm wrong about something. I like a challenge and can except when I'm wrong.

My reason for being on this site is simple. To see what other people's views are about the Digital age we live in.

So let's talk!

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Remember every tech company is trying for new and innovative ideas and this well is a downgrade. No one really looked back at SMSs. They looked forward.

Great article. One question. What is my life expectancy? I sit on average about 10 hours a day. That would be for the past 9 years.

I've already had problems in this regard my doctor told me tha...

I hate vacuuming! So I would buy one, and I don't care about the price as long as I don't have to vacuum anymore.

Having things like this is a good thing. My only problem is that what if you want something custom? Then you're any way going to have to get a developer involved.

By this article I don't think your even giving Microsoft a fighting chance.

Sorry I don't think this info-graphic was made for idiots. It's for people with real jobs. LOL!

I would go for the ctrl+z ones. There is so much I would like to undo.

Using an Apple product in this comic might not have been a great idea.

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I will not wear it, but would like to buy some for sentimental reasons.

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