Jolie O'Dell

Technology journalist. Most cheerful curmudgeon you'll ever meet.

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...Actually, he revealed those stats Sept. 8 at a breakfast at Twitter!

Ironic? Dark horse? Remember, Windows still captures the vast majority of the home computer market, friend. =)

AnonyMouse was my favorite! Would love to keep up with y'all as you grow. =)

Thanks a bunch for contributing your insight! And best of luck with your new venture. =)

I was a Navy brat until I left home. When my stepdad retired as a Chief, they gave us certificates of appreciation. Only then did I realize just how much our family sacrificed, too. He gave his ski...

Jolie O'Dell earned the David After Dentist badge
Yes, this is real life. Once the high has worn off, you’ll probably notice that you’ve left 80 comments on Mashable. Not too shabby.

Well, he still *does* have more overall Facebook Likes than Bachmann! We'll see if that's an accurate predictor once the primaries roll around ;)

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