Neha Prakash

Neha is an editorial news intern at Mashable. She recently graduated from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism with a masters in print journalism. She is interested in data and business journalism and all things techy.

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You can see more footage on the lightsaber bug zapper here at the Hack a Day site:


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Neha Prakash earned the Mashable Staff badge
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Mashable, 92Y and the UN Foundation present the second annual Social Good Summit. Held at the heart of UN week, the Summit is where big ideas meet new media to create innovative solutions. The Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders...
Neha Prakash earned the Grade School badge
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Neha Prakash earned the Tron Guy badge
It all starts with the first follows. Just like the Tron Guy, you’re being “brought to life” by the Internet. By following 25 people, you’re now taking part in connecting with others in the community. Tron Guy would be proud.
Neha Prakash earned the Laughing Baby badge
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