Katrina Ball

Community intern @Mashable, assistant editor + community manager @iwantherjob, grad student @Mizzou

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Brian, you're right! Thanks for catching that.


Sorry for the confusion. You were right - it was a typo. Thanks for pointing it out. It's been fixed.



The link should work now. Thanks for catching that!

Let's keep the discussion civil, please. If you have any questions about what that means, please refer to our Community Guidelines or let us know.


Thanks for pointing this out Jenny. We are having a little trouble with the Spotify playlist, and we are looking into it now. Hopefully it will be back up soon!

Katrina Ball earned the I'ma Let You Finish badge
Pardon the interruption, but this is your fifth comment - and it’s the BEST COMMENT OF ALL TIME! Thanks for keeping the conversation going.

Thanks for the catch Takako! You are absolutely right. I've updated the story.


Katrina Ball started following stories about Events
Mashable events bring our online community together in an offline setting to connect with each other and share insights into the topics and trends that we cover on Mashable.Some of Mashable's most exciting annual events include, the Mashable Conne...


Thanks for pointing this out. I've fixed the widget, and you should be able to find it at the bottom of the story.



Sorry about the confusion. The link is under the "How this works" heading in the story. Here it is: LastPass’s tool

Katrina Ball started following stories about Job Search Series
Each week, Mashable highlights tips and resources for landing a job using social and digital media.

Thanks for letting us know. We've changed the slide so that it is not misleading. We appreciate it!

Katrina Ball earned the Mashable Staff badge
You get a special badge for being an employee of Mashable. Now stop messing around and get back to work! We don't pay you by the hour.
Katrina Ball started following stories about Jobs
Here you can find Mashable's content related to using digital and social tools to find a job, recruit, learn career-related skills, as well as read about job trends and resources in the social, digital, dev fields and more. Mashable also posts...
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