
Currency Converter

* From and To currency are the same
* Amount Entered Is Invalid

Exchange Rate For 14 Jul 2012


Currency Table

Currency Last Day High Day Low % Change Bid Ask
EUR/USD 1.2250 1.2252 1.2167 +0.42% 1.2250 1.2253
GBP/USD 1.5572 1.5579 1.5418 +0.91% 1.5572 1.5579
USD/JPY 79.180 79.380 79.140 -0.10% 79.180 79.260
USD/CHF 0.98020 0.98690 0.98020 -0.39% 0.98020 0.98100
USD/CAD 1.0142 1.0201 1.0133 -0.46% 1.0142 1.0145
AUD/USD 1.0224 1.0227 1.0127 +0.89% 1.0224 1.0236

REFILE-GLOBAL MARKETS-China GDP data lifts world stocks, crude oil

* Euro rebounds on speculation of major asset allocation shift


  • U.S.
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Sectors
Stock Search
DOW 12,777.09 +203.82 +1.62%
S&P; 500 1,356.78 +22.02 +1.65%
NASDAQ 2,908.47 +42.28 +1.48%
TR US Index 122.73 +1.96 +1.62%
EUR/USD 1.2250 +0.42%
GBP/USD 1.5572 +0.91%
USD/JPY 79.180 -0.10%
Gold 1,588.80 +23.50 +1.48%
Oil 87.00 +0.92 +1.06%
Corn 740.25 +8.00 +1.08%

Romney demands Obama apologize over Bain attacks

WASHINGTON, July 13 - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney demanded President Barack Obama apologize for his campaign's attacks at him over whether he led a private equity firm when it outsourced U.S. jobs abroad.