“American Mosaic” is Reuters’ unique campaign polling initiative for 2012, executed in partnership with Ipsos. The project targets 10 demographic groups of special interest in this presidential race.

Young, worried and unsure - about both candidates

Joe Zmudczynski, 24, stands in the back yard of his parents' home, where he lives, after returning from a job interview in Lapeer, Michigan, June 25, 2012. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook

ROCHESTER HILLS, Michigan - A Reuters/Ipsos poll of recent graduates reveals a drop in support for President Barack Obama compared with 2008, but it shows no movement toward the GOP.  Full Article 

Maine governor draws ire with new IRS “Gestapo” comments

Maine's Republican governor ignited a fresh firestorm when, for the second time in a week, he compared the Internal Revenue Service to the Gestapo, Nazi Germany's murderous secret police.

About this series

“American Mosaic” is Reuters’ unique campaign polling initiative for 2012, executed in partnership with Ipsos. The online polling effort, whose methodology has been statistically validated, will reach 12,000 Americans each month, more than 120,000 by Election Day, constituting an unprecedented sample of the U.S. electorate. The “micro-polling” project, effectively a poll within a poll, targets 10 demographic groups of special interest in this presidential race. Each of the targeted groups will be the subject of in-depth reporting as well as photojournalism and video, resulting in a multidimensional portrait of these critical communities. Profiled here is the first of them, military veterans and the families of veterans who have served since the first Persian Gulf War.