With ego too big to fail, Iowa broker admits 20-year fraud

Comments (3)
StevefromFL wrote:

Why is he being held in an undisclosed location?….He should be remanded in Jail like any other Common Criminal….Not treated like Royalty… or a visiting Head of State!

A kid steals a pair of sneakers and he goes to Jail…He Should…This guy steals for decades and you treat him like a King!…What a Sick Society!

Jul 13, 2012 9:25pm EDT  --  Report as abuse
McBob08 wrote:

Tear it down. Tear it all down. Make the Futures Market entirely illegal; it’s unAmerican! It’s not just brokers gambling; it’s forcing every customer down the line to live with the results of that gambling. Gas is at least 70% more expensive than it needs to be due to speculation alone. Worse, it’s people making money without producing anything of any value. A business that creates something of value to sell to people is the American Way. Every addition to the cost of that item must represent an increase in the value of the product; whether that be added warrantee, transportation to a sales facility that is more accessible than the source of manufacture, or adding additional features/esoteric elements/assembling to the product.

Market Speculation does NONE of that. It does not add to the value of the product in any way, and yet it increases the cost and puts money in the pocket of people that caused the cost to increase. In short, Futures Traders are STEALING money out of the pockets of consumers all along the line of production, and no one is doing anything to stop them!

If they want to gamble, then go to Las Vegas, where your gambling doesn’t harm anyone else but them! Leave our commodities alone!

Jul 13, 2012 11:55pm EDT  --  Report as abuse
nieldevi wrote:

“So I cheated.”

Who doesn’t???? Is this the first time that you noticed it?
This may come as a shock to some, but: They are all cheaters!
There is no way that they could have all those skyscrapers and limousines without cheating someone. “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, someone once said…

Jul 13, 2012 12:49am EDT  --  Report as abuse
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