Hide iOS apps from your purchase history

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About The Author

CNET Editor

Seamus Byrne is the Editor of CNET Australia. He is also a regular tech expert on Seven's Sunrise and The Morning Show.

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If you like to test out loads of free apps on your iPhone or iPad, you'll quickly end up with a massive purchase history.

Wading through dozens of apps you tried out and never want to see again can be a pain, but there is a way to hide things so that you'll only see the apps you actually want to come back to in the future.

Just go to Updates on your device, then click on the Purchased arrow to see your history. For all of those apps that you don't want to see again, just swipe like you're deleting a message, and you'll be given the hide option.

You can get things back again through your Account settings, so don't be afraid of being too overzealous.

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