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    Unsettling Phone Call Knocks Wife Out Of Her Comfort Zone

    DEAR ABBY: I have been happily married to my college sweetheart for 20 years. "Mark" is a great husband, a good father, and we are very compatible. He is the kind of man who brings me flowers for no reason, and who'd rather be home cooking dinner with me than almost anywhere. I know he loves me and our children.

    Recently, a woman called our house, identified herself as "a friend," and told me Mark has been "playing around" all over town and she thought I should know I was married to a "pervert." She hung up before I could comment. Mark swears he is not, and never has, had an affair.

    Of course, I believe the man I have known for 25 years over a complete stranger, but this has been very upsetting. I now question my decision to be a stay-at-home mom and wonder if someone may be out to get me. I have become nervous in crowds, fearful that someone is watching me or us when we're out together. Mark is trying to be there for me and says we will go to marriage counseling or whatever I need.

    Abby, I am happy in my marriage. Yet I feel violated, depressed and resentful that a stranger has the power to make me question my own happiness. Can you help me? -- SAD WIFE IN NEW YORK

    DEAR WIFE: The prank you have described could have been perpetrated by a high school student dialing randomly, or a disgruntled person with a grudge against your husband -- or even you -- for some imagined slight.

    You feel violated because you have been. People can exercise power over us only if we allow it. You have a husband who loves you and a marriage many people would envy. I don't think you need marriage counseling. However, some sessions with a mental health professional might be helpful in putting this unpleasant incident behind you.

    P.S. I assume this was a one-time thing. If the calls persist, the phone company and the police should be notified that you're being harassed.

    DEAR ABBY: My husband and I separated two years ago. For the past year, I have been dating one man exclusively. We have a wonderful relationship that has great potential. Never have there been two people with more in common.

    There is one problem. I have no children and he has three. Two are adults -- responsible, good people. The youngest, "Erik," is 18, and he's the problem. He dropped out of school, doesn't work, refuses to even try to find a job and doesn't have a driver's license.

    Erik has stolen money from me and also from his father to buy drugs and alcohol. Basically, the kid is good for nothing. He doesn't even have any friends left.

    My boyfriend realizes his son's problems, but has essentially given up on him. I can't blame him. It has reached the point where I can't even stand to be around the kid. It doesn't look like he'll ever get a life and move on. Please tell me what to do. -- AT A LOSS IN NOVA SCOTIA

    DEAR AT A LOSS: You and your boyfriend are overdue for a frank discussion. You could have a good relationship with this man if he agrees to insist that his son get counseling and drug treatment. Be firm and do not allow him to sidestep his son's obvious addiction. But if he refuses, you should move on.

    Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

    To order "How to Write Letters for All Occasions," send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Letter Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price.

    • Sister  •  21 hrs ago
      LW#2: Maybe it's time for you to take a step back and realize you are still married and ask yourself why? Sometimes it can be a good thing to be alone for awhile, without being in a relationship. ...Even if it is uncomfortable and disconcerting at first, in the end, it may provide valuable insight and validation.
    • dellary  •  2 days 13 hrs ago
      LW1: The caller is probably jealous of your marital happiness and wanted to do exactly what she managed to do: Stir up trouble between you and your husband. The jealousy may just be because she is unmarried or unhappily married, or because she's got the hots for your husband and he won't give her the time of day. The phone number she called from should appear on your phone bill. Perhaps you can track her down that way.
    • A  •  Columbus, Ohio  •  3 days ago
      ltr2: Blood is Thicker than Water. Good Luck getting this Bum of a SON out the door or to change. His Father is an Enabler, since he is still there...
    • RACHELS  •  Washington, District of Columbia  •  3 days ago
      LW#1: choose who you want to believe, your husband or a random person. I got an email a few years ago from someone claiming that she was having an affair with my boyfriend, and he didn't want to be with me, he wanted to be with her, and she wouldn't have him because she was a "nice" girl. I freaked out, got upset with my boyfriend, and then got to thinking. I'm hard to find online, and I doubt my BF would have given his mistress my email address, nor would he have given her access to his email account to look it up. And, really, if someone doesn't have the courage to give you her real name when she's pot-stirring, how reliable of a source can the person be. Plus, my BF was man enough that, if he didn't want to be with me, he would have broken up with me. Women, by and large, do not support other women's happiness, particularly in terms of men, and you have to take this kind of thing with a grain of salt
    • Don  •  4 days ago
      LW#1 - if nothing else, I hope that the letter writer reads all the replies on here from people who have made these type of calls and realizes that it's probably a cruel prank.
    • Drunky Chunk  •  Macon, Georgia  •  4 days ago
      LW2: Time to step on the boat and sail. Your boyfriend is an enabler and that won't likely change. Buh-bye.
    • Samantha  •  8 days ago
      For letter writer #1, it was more than likely a prank. I had the same thing happen to me a number of years ago. Some girl call my house and was trying to tell me my husband was sleeping with her little sister. And she had proof. I asked her what kind of proof she had besides his name(which we were both listed in the phone book) apparently she had pictures of them at a party the night before,she just kept going on and on. I said it was interesting that the Army would let him leave basic training and fly all the way across the country to attend a party! That was really something! I've never heard someone stammer and try to back peddle so much in my life lol I told them, maybe they should stop with the pranks and try to do something more productive with their time.
      • calven 8 days ago
        You should have threatened prosecution, what they were doing is definitely a crime.
      • D 8 days ago
        LOL Sam - I shared a similar story!!
      • lady rancher 8 days ago
        We went to a movie with freiunds yrs ago and a little kid of 10 or 11 came running up to me telling me 'they' had just kidnapped my daughter and for me to hand over my cash to get her back. I cracked up laughing because our freinds have an adult sone and I have no kids. It's summertime - school is out -LOAD THE GUNS!!!!! LOL
    • Mia  •  4 days ago
      LW3; Your boyfriends son is not 'good for nothing' - he is a drug addict and he needs help! Talk to you BF about getting his son into rehab, set up an intervention, do SOMETHING other than letting this boy die in his addiction - which is what you are doing now. I know he is hard to deal with, with the lying & stealing and all but this is a human being who needs help. Think about it.
    • Dove  •  8 days ago
      My ex-fiance started sending me flowers "for no reason" at work, bringing me gifts home...just all sorts of stuff. I NEVER doubted him or how solid our relationship was together. Turns out he was seeing other one called me, I just "happened" upon them one day. Kicked him out before he even got back home to beg me to keep him. Found out later he had been doing this for years, it was the reason he was divorced. Never looked back. With that said, I don't know if I would have believed anyone had they called...might have depended on the person who called...I dunno. For me seeing WAS believing.
      • Dove 8 days ago
        oh as a P.S. I am not suggesting this is the same thing happening to the LW, just sharing what happed with me.
      • CC Schmitt 8 days ago
        Wow! Can't imagine how hurtful (and earth shattering) that was. Glad you discovered his true nature before the wedding.
      • Linda 8 days ago
        Dove - I am so glad you moved on quickly. He was not who you believed him to be and not worth a single tear. Did the original letter writer have caller id? Use reverse directory and investigate. Clearly she has doubts or she wouldn't be writing for advice.
    • WesternLady  •  8 days ago
      LW#1: If you don't have it already, get caller ID. If the calls keep coming, you can sue her for harassment and if it can be proven she's lying, defamation of character. Sue for as much as you can, honey. Teach the little troublemaker a lesson.
      LW#2: Whatever you do, don't bring unwanted baggage into your life. You will be stuck with someone else's damaged goods forever.
      • Layele 8 days ago
        I agree with you on LW #1, however on LW #2, everyone has baggage and to walk away from a good relationship because of baggage, however big the baggage is, may not be a good idea. Practice tough love, kick the kid out of the house, make him stand on his own two feet and then see where things go.
      • Mellie 8 days ago
        And get a divorce!
      • Sister 7 days ago
        Dear Photo-keeper: make copies and give them to your MIL for her b-day or other special occasion. Or, go online and create a photobook just for her. I am sure she will treasure it. If she keeps asking for more, tell her it's very time consuming, so you will only do it for special occasions.
    • new ol'lady  •  8 days ago
      Someone kept prank calling me; I used the air horn. No more calls.
    • Rockytop  •  8 days ago
      Lw 1 - I saw this movie! The calls are actually coming from inside the house. Get out now!
      • Kathy 8 days ago
        Thank you for making me blurt out snorting laughter so early in the morning!
      • Rockytop 8 days ago
        Always glad to help. Can never have too much snorting laughter ;P
      • D 8 days ago
        Rockey - you owe me a keyboard! LOL Your comment had me spitting my coffee all over the place from laughing. LOL
    • EllieMckellie  •  8 days ago
      #2. It sounds like "children" are a dealbreaker for you. Recommend you date childless men. After your divorce of course.
    • Ken E  •  8 days ago
      First of all, 95% of 18 year olds in the world do not have their lives together. That being said, this particular one seems to be in the soup a bit more than average. The writer of that letter should know that the #1 cause of break ups of first marriages is money. The #1 cause of breakups of second marriages is kids from the first marriage. Tread carefully.
    • Lisa  •  5 days ago
      LW1, I have also recieved that type of a phone call. It was 26 years ago when I was pregant with our first child. A woman's voice on the phone asked me to let my husband know that she was breaking their date for that evening. He could call her back to reschedule. My heart dropped when I heard that, but then I looked at my husband who was sitting on the couch in his holey shorts and an old t-shirt and in his soxes. He wasn't planning on going anywhere. I told the woman that she must have a wrong number. She argued back but I kept saying "you have a wrong number" and then I hung up. My husband was really upset when he heard what had happened and tried to reasure me that he'd never cheated. I told him I knew that. We still joke about his "girl friend" calling to this day. But I can understand how upsetting those prank calls are. I don't know why someone would think it is fun to possibly destroy someone's faith in their marriage. I hope that they would one day reap what they truly deserve for hurting someone that deeply!
    • Tree Dweller  •  8 days ago
      I can believe that people might not have Caller ID, but who doesn't know how to dial *69 these days? Or to report a harassing phone call? The instructions are right there in the first few pages of the phone book, or, I imagine, can be found online. It's totally unfair to be suspicious of your husband until you have something other than a crank call to go on.
    • Bob  •  8 days ago
      LW-2 set some ground rules for further relationship. I married and my wife had 3 kids and the youngest was 15. We set rules , her and I before we got married as its a marriage for life. I didn't like him talking to his mom the way he did, but said-' you do not talk to my WIFE that way'. Kinda took the mom word out of it. Never enable a abuser or user. Kick them to the curb and they'll either get up or continue the bad path.
    • Skitter McKitter  •  8 days ago
      LW2 - You better run, run, run as fast as the Gingerbread Mman!
    • hallmonitor  •  Dallas, Texas  •  8 days ago
      LW#! - I would just like to say that I think ANY human on the planet would be upset and questioning over this phone call. gut tells me that if your were that happy, then it just irks some people to death. They probably did it out of spite, especially if that someone is a female who wants your husband. My best guess is that there is some woman who has had her eyes on your husband and is quite mad that he won't even look at her, so she is making trouble so he will perhaps give her a look. Just my thoughts.
    • Little Girl  •  8 days ago
      Letter #1- it was a prank. I'm in a family feud and my husband's brothers have stooped low enough to have people call me and say weird things to try to get my imagination going to make me think that my husband has been cheating on me. I ignore it and don't give it a second thought. I'm never paranoid that they're watching me and go about my daily life. If you let it get to you then they've got what they want. They want you to see your good marriage fail probably because they're not happy in theirs or have been divorced because of something stupid that they did.
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