How To Score On Valentine's Day

How A Single Guy Can Score On Valentine's Day

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Want to know how to score on Valentine's Day? Throughout the country, hordes of lonely women are without a partner for the day that celebrates love and togetherness, but it’s a special kind of lonely. It’s a state of aloneness that’s mired in sensations of long-term concern, tinged with a dash of good old-fashioned self-doubt. The holidays are over, the dreary winter days will stick around for a while, and when happy couples are on full display on Valentine's Day, it’s the final straw. Granted, many single men are suffering as well, but it just seems to hit the females harder. This being the case, if a guy wants to know how to score on Valentine's Day and wishes to pick up one of these down-and-out ladies, it’s going to be one of the most challenging excursions of the year. But you have a few advantages. In many ways, she simply detests the idea of spending Valentine’s Day alone, and even if you’re not exactly on a date, you can be there for her. At the very least, she’s not alone, and of course, neither are you.

Furthermore, you may realize that Valentine's Day falls on a weekday this year, which means you may have to change things up a bit. The traditional pick-up locales -- bars and clubs -- may not be a hot spot on this evening, so perhaps it’s best to widen your search radius. Some women might opt to spend the day shopping, for example, so the malls could present some surprising possibilities. But no matter how you look at, Valentine’s Day isn’t a typical day of the year. This one is only for the veterans, kiddies.

Know Who You're Dealing With

As previously outlined, there are two types of women you will typically encounter when out and about on Valentine’s Day -- one is depressed and moody while the other puts on a brave face and heads out to secure a night of meaningless passion. Now, while it may be possible to get that sweaty, vice-filled night with both types of chicks, the approach is crucial for one while the departure is important for the other. Clearly, the hot-to-trot cutie is an easier target, but you must remember this persona is likely only temporary. If you hang on too long, you could suffer the long-term consequences. But you can’t possibly ignore the fact that Valentine’s Day is one of only 365 days when a lot of lonely women would love nothing more than a quick fling… if only to stave off depression. It’s a golden opportunity.

Speaking of depression, there’s the other kind of lady, the one who can’t find the brave face and would much rather succumb to moodiness. For her, the approach matters most; you absolutely cannot represent her male savior. As desperate as she may be to find him, you’re not the “one,” and you need to make that clear.

What you are, however, is a companion for the evening. In fact, you could even play the “take care of each other” card by simply offering to keep each other company on the loneliest night of the year for single individuals. Of course, the first step is confirming the target is single, but provided you’re not hitting up a woman waiting on her date at a romantic restaurant, you should be able to manage.

It’s just another day

This outlook will work with just about every woman, regardless of what they’re feeling. February 14th is just another day of the year, and simply because it celebrates love doesn’t mean the world stops turning for bachelors and bachelorettes. If you treat it as such and put this view on display, you will probably get a positive response from single women… and a lot of dirty looks from committed couples. It’s a battle out there, and we must realize that couples and singles are at odds on Valentine’s Day; one group despises the other for a 24-hour span, as bizarre as that sounds. Saying “oh, it’s just another day” will be insulting for the blissful twosome, but it’s exactly what the all-by-my-lonesome female wants to hear. Obviously, there’s always the possibility of failure if you take the concept too far. It’s fine to be in a good mood and shrug off the lack of a significant other, but you shouldn’t cast aspersions on the holiday by being too “loud and proud.” The couples can have their day and you won’t begrudge them that. But on the other hand, you’re not a bad person for being single… and neither is she. “Ah, Valentine’s Day, Shmalentine’s Day,” but don’t go overboard.

More on how to score on Valentine's Day... Next Page >>

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