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Watch The Dredd Movie Trailer

I'm a huge Judge Dredd fan. I've read most of his comic books (including both of DC Comics' series in the 90s), and appreciated roughly three minutes of the movie starring Sly Stallone (it all went to hell after he removed his helmet). DNA Films has a new reboot on the way, slated for theatrical release on September 21. Karl Urban steps into Dredd's boots, which means we'll actually understand what he's saying this time around. The always fantastic Lena Headey (playing Ma-Ma) is his target. She apparently makes drugs. You can get your first look of Dredd and Ma-Ma's feud in the trailer below.

I was sold on this film as soon as I saw Dredd's boot. Urban looks to fit the role. The plot also seems fairly interesting. What are your thoughts?

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  • Anything would be better than Rocky(Sly)and Blade(Wes)potraying the Dredd series. Looks interesting. They seemed to take a more serious, gritty approach that actually stays true to the comics. And it looks like it is in the future... not the 80's. But idk... the different parts of the Judge Dredd universe is what was so appealing about the comic. And this looks centralized in one area. We will see.

  • Gotta say, this looks promising, here's hoping they dont muck it up.

  • I'm not sold. I love me some good sci-fi but I've never gotten into that character. That doesn't mean I won't give it a shot. Looks pretty stylish. Hopefully I'm wrong.

  • The whole stuck in a tower full of bad guys thing kind of reminds me of The Raid: Redemption. If they can match the action in that, this'll be great!
  • I honestly have no idea who Judge Dredd is but this movie looks pretty amazing.

  • It looks like it could be good. At the very least, better than the Sly version. Hopefully it does well so we can get a sequel with Judge Death in it. Or a better representation of the Angel Family. Either way, color me stoked.

  • this looks pretty promising i'm not educated at all about the character but it still looks like a quality action movie

  • This brings back memories of the hours, and hours I spent playing the Genesis game.

  • I feel like I already saw the best the movie has to offer. I don't like his voice, and I really don't like that the helmet looks that silly. I like it when it's a little more eagle eyed. Only looks good that bulky in combination of the cartoonishly large chin.

  • Looks freaking awesome, I can't wait.

  • I hope its good. Judge Dredd could be such a cool movie franchise, and the first movie was just so completely awful.

  • That picture at the top looks like a Nanosuit from Crysis.