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Our Most Regrettable Purchases

As gamers, we've all made purchases we regret. Whether it's a much-hyped game that failed to meet expectations or a peripheral that didn't receive much support, there's always something in our gaming histories that led to us searching for a receipt. Read on to hear about some of the worst purchases made by the Game Informer staff.

State of Emergency

In the early days of the Playstation 2, Rockstar firmly established itself as a triple-A developer with the trailblazing Grand Theft Auto III. As a high school student that spent hundreds of hours in Liberty City, I couldn't wait to see whatever Rockstar had up their sleeves next. While State of Emergency wasn't developed by Rockstar (it was handled by Vis Entertainment), all I cared about was that R* logo on the box. I read tons of previews and hyped myself up for what would surely be a controversial, action-packed title that would do the Rockstar name proud. The publisher pushed impressive numbers - 185 missions, 250 characters on screen at once, etc. Unfortunately, the missions were bland and repetitive, and those 250 characters did little more than run around mindlessly. I tried to return it within a couple of days, but was unsuccessful since I had already opened it.  -- Dan Ryckert


The Wii Zapper

When Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles hit the Wii in 2007, I was excited. Three years had passed since Resident Evil 4 and I was hungry for something new from the series. Additionally, the Wii was being touted as the perfect console for an FPS thanks to it’s lightgun-like Wii remote. With that in mind, I wanted to have the best experience possible with Umbrella Chronicles’ on-rails shooting. Supposedly that meant buying the Wii Zapper. The piece of molded plastic allows players to dock their Wii remote and nunchuk and hold it like an SMG. Using the contraption was as stupid as it looked. I used the worthless hunk of plastic for one round of Umbrella Chronicles before ditching it and never looking back. Oh yeah, it was also packaged with Link’s Crossbow Training, which had all the imagination and beauty of a Wii Sports mini-game. -- Tim Turi


Winter Games

When you're a dumb kid, you don't yet have a firm grasp of universal truths like "gravity always wins" and "never buy an Olympics themed video game because they are complete garbage." During the hype of the XV Winter Olympics in 1988, my brother and I foolishly chose Winter Games among the dozens of titles available at Toys 'R' Us. It only took us one playthrough of the game's four events to realize we made a horrible, irreversible decision. After selecting a country to represent, the relatively fun freestyle skiing event started things off in the right direction. But the following speed skating, figure skating, and bobsled events were each horrible, unplayable messes that should have been classified as crimes against entertainment. A disaster of gameplay, graphics, and user interface, Winter Games is still the worst game I've ever purchased. As we approach yet another season of Olympic sporting events, remember to try before you buy. Don’t make the same bone-headed decision I made. To watch myself, Reiner, Dan, and Tim suffer through this travesty of a video game, check out our "lost" Replay I posted on my blog a couple years back. -- Matt Bertz

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  • Mine is Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Words can't describe how unbelievably let down I was by what is easily one of my favorite franchises in the world. That game resides snugly where it belongs, in the city landfill. No, I am not a troll, I just genuinely despise that game and have no idea how it made such great critical reception.
  • Haha totally agree with the collector's edition one. I've bought several and regret most of them. Every once in a while there will be a really good one, but paying $20 extra for an art book and new case is a total rip off.
  • I totally forgot about the Wii zapper!
  • My takeaway from this article? A Reiner and Phil reunion special is in the works!
  • i feel you on the collector's editions. Very few are actually worthy of the title.
  • Definitely don't regret getting the PS2 network adapter back in the day. couldn't have played FFXI without it, lol. Good times.
  • DC Universe Online for the PS3.
  • Guitar Hero, while it was by far not a terrible game, it would eventually lead to the self destruction of a genre close to my heart.

  • I don't regret buying my Collector's Edition. I am more methodical in my purchasing decisions, but I try to limit myself to getting the CE of games for titles I've been craving for. Like Mass Effect 3 and Max Payne 3. I did get Diablo III CE on impulse. For some reason I felt it would be better if I bought that version. Turns out I was right, as I sold it the night it came out for $700.
  • True Crime: New York City. After reading GI's review, I went in thinking I was going to have a great time tazing criminals and randomly firing grenade launchers in heavily populated areas. What I got was a game with crappy driving, crappy combat, crappy graphics and a general air of craphood that was only partially made up for by the hilariously consistant bug where you could shoot someone's head off while they were still in their car and they would get out and run away.
  • Devil may cry 2 wasn´t so bad, I allways imagined it was in the future of devil may cry 1 and dante had matured or something. I played it a lot. X)
  • I'm surprised no one's said the Nintendo power glove.
  • I bought Shadow the Hedgehog. I wish I could go back and stop my 11-year-old self from purchasing the worst video game I've ever played.
  • I feel like there's a specific game that I totally regretted buying, but I'm drawing a blank. I suppose my most regrettable purchases would be collector's editions because, even if they come with something like a t-shirt, I won't use them at all because I want them to be pristine. Still haven't worn my empty hearts shirt from my Catherine CE.

  • I have to make a stand- Link's Crossbow Training was not a bad game! Not good enough for a full retail release, sure, wasn't released as one anyway! But it was fun, and cool for what it was. You know if that very same bow boss fight was in Twilight Princess you'd be calling it one of the best moments in gaming. So quit being douchebags and try to be objective!
  • Lair for PS3. You'd think a game that utilizes the sixaxis motion control, that is a medieval dragon riding equivalent of Star Fox would have solid controls, graphics, and would have a strong story. Short and skinny of it, the sixaxis proved itself unreliable hence why no game in recent memory has utilized it. And they really screwed the pooch because they threw all their eggs in the sixaxis basket and didn't implement a control scheme that just used the joysticks. Story, the classic leader goes astray and one noble knight will take a stand to right the leaders wrongs that we've seen in Assassins Creed, DMC 4, and Metal Gear Solid 3. I have bought some crappy games that I traded within a day or two of purchase, but no other game has disappointed me as much as Lair...
  • I regret buying any WoW expansion after vanilla. I lost the nostalgic of the game after daily quests where introduced into the game. The repetitiveness in order to get that drake flying mount when I do not even play the game any more just makes me realize how much of my life I have waisted away while there was plenty of console games I could of been playing and missed out on. I regret purchasing games here and there like X-Men Destiny WTF was that...I do not regret any of my Collectors Editions though. Batman Arkham City figurine, Gears 3 figurine, Skyrim figurine, Diablo 3 little figurine, and I just pre-ordered Halo 4 which I feel justifies itself since I have been a halo fan and played and beat every one released so far. It will be my first Halo CE tho.
  • I got to say Iron Phoenix for the xbox.It had no real story,online only game.Combat moves are trash,and i think this was the game cause SEGA to have a terrible future create to new garbage like this game.

  • PS2 Network adapter? Socom 2 anyone???
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