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Microsoft takes on Siri with new Windows Phone update - CNET News


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Published on Jun 20, 2012 by
Microsoft's Kevin Gallo demos new speech-recognition technology running Windows Phone 8. The company partnered with Audible on the tech, which lets users search and move around the platform from app to app.


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  • audible is a terrible name.

  • this title is misleading. you could always interact with windows phone from voice recognition. audible just enhances voice recognition more.

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  • Microsoft is not trying to beat google.

  • outside of OS :)

  • Microsoft will never be able to beat google.

  • Nobody cares about 'voice assistants' today either. it's just a marketing tool for apple, they couldn't sell the 4S without it (which is why they blocked it from older phones)

    What Microsoft is doing is making the API available to all developers (and unlike Google's Android, with windows phones developers can integrated into the main voice tree as well)

  • I can't believe how many people just don't get what siri is and what this is.

    Siri does NLP. the actual voice recognition is done by Nuance. Siri just an app that uses that and can be launched from the home button.

    Audible is an app from Amazon for audio books, it has nothing to do with voice features of windows phone, it's just an example of using the SDK that windows phone 8 will include (and that any developer will be able to use)

    This mean any app can be integrated into the voice functions

  • audible is an app for audio books, not a siri competitor...

  • audible is a fucking poor name.

    Apple is the best, crosoft ALWAYS borned to copy Apple.

  • That's the emulator running on a PC. It's not even a phone or piece of hardware. Man the comments here are just over the top stupid. People here have never heard of Amazon's Audible service and they think the a software emulator is an actual phone. Man just rampant stupidity in these comments.

  • The announcement here is that "TellMe" service is now an API that any 3rd party app like Audible can make use of. Voice recognition is not new to Windows Phone, what is new is the ability for any app to easily make use of the API.

  • Audible is the name of the books on tape service that Amazon owns. Microsoft's speech recognition service used in Xbox/Phone/FordSync is called "TellMe."

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