ie8 fix

Chrome iOS

Open a URL in Chrome for iOS using Mobile Safari

One downside to iOS is the fact you can't set default apps for various actions. This problem was once again pushed into the spotlight last week when Google released Chrome for iOS. Users of Chrome on iOS are not able to set the popular browser as the default browser on their iPhone or iPad. It's frustrating to say the least.

Until Apple decides to add (if it ever does) a default app functionality, users will have to rely on workarounds. One such workaround allows users to open URLs being viewed in Mobile Safari in Chrome for iOS thanks to Jon Abrams.more

Chrome for iOS slower than expected

The bottom line: Chrome for iOS gives iPhone and iPad users a modicum of comfort in the isolated iOS world: a familiar interface, tab and password syncing. However, without its own JavaScript engine powering blazing speeds, Chrome loses much of its shine.

Google abruptly changed course with the iOS version of Chrome. The company used to say that it would only allow Chrome onto platforms that could replicate Chrome's speed. Thanks to browser restrictions from Apple, Chrome for iOS lacks Google's V8 JavaScript engine and Just-In-Time (JIT) technology, meaning that under the hood, it's not the more

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