Email Etiquette: Courtesy #3 ~ Proofread, Spellcheck, Proper Grammar

  • Always spell check your email, proofread for errors, capitalize your sentences and use appropriate punctuation and grammar. 

    "If a emale is writon with speeling mestakes and gramitckal errors, you mite git the meening, however, the messige is not as affective, or smoothly redable. 

    Poor writing is equivalent to someone speaking with spinach stuck between their teeth. Listeners and readers concentrate on the spinach; not what is being said." 

  • Family and friends are one thing. If you feel they do not deserve your best effort to make sure they have an easy to read email from you that is fine. Your family and friends know you best and are probably the most forgiving. However, with business acquaintances or other online contacts, proper formatting is crucial to building your relationship and credibility.

    Never tell those business associates whom you have become lazy with that "I don’t spell check or capitalize my sentences with you because we know each other so well". You have just insulted the other party by basically telling them they are not worth the time it would take for you to communicate properly with them. Not using proper structure (no punctuation, all caps or all lower case) will also be a strong indication of your level of education and professionalism.
  • Working on your writing skills is something that is ongoing. Site visitors do not hesitate to point out my errors; which helps make my site better. So even though I’ve been doing this for over a decade I know I still have a lot to learn. Being I am not a writer by profession or education, rather an engineer, I take every opportunity I can to improve my writing skills. I read, practice and learn from others every chance I get. Now, no one is expecting you write with perfection, just that you make the necessary effort and be open to improving your skills.
  • Refrain from using multiple !!!!! or ?????. Multiple exclamation points and question marks risk giving the perception that you are sarcastic and condescending. Do you understand??????

You want your emails to be readable. Type in complete sentences. Create new paragraphs when the subject matter shifts. Always take the time to review your email before clicking send. To type random phrases or cryptic thoughts does not lend to clear communication or being perceived as one who made it out of the 6th grade. 

As a courtesy to your fellow Netizens, communicate clearly and properly without errors. Use the education you received in grade school. 

| Courtesy #4 |


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About Judith is a community service project created by Judith Kallos over @ You *can* succeed online with "knowledge, understanding and courtesy"!