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For Sumivtsi Only

Need a password to access the site?
Certain pages on this Web site are accessible only to CYM members. You'll know you've found one when you're asked for a user ID and password!
  • To obtain a password for accessing these pages, please contact the local CYM Oseredok where you are a member.

  • What language?...
    The CYM Web site was created to provide a wealth of information about the Ukrainian Youth Association, both to its members and to others who are interested in the organization. For this reason, its pages are available in several languages.
  • Pages that are accessible to the public are generally available in both Ukrainian and the local language (e.g.the U.S. pages are also available in English).
  • As the common language of CYM members worldwide is naturally Ukrainian, pages that are accessible only to sumivtsi are generally available only in Ukrainian.

  • How can I use Ukrainian fonts on my PC?
    Members have frequently ask how to configure their computer to view the Ukrainian language version of this site. To help answer this question, we have written a short article entitled The CYM Guide to Installing and Using Ukrainian Fonts, to help you set up your computer for email, Web browsing, creating documents, etc. in Ukrainian (Cyrillic) text. The document specifically addresses computers running Microsoft Windows, and provides references to other sources that address Macintosh and Unix platforms.
    Note: You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC to view this file. The Reader is free and can be downloaded from here.

    Download 41 great Ukrainian fonts!
    Fonts! CYMnet makes available to all CYM members a series of Ukrainian fonts designed by Posada Fonts & Graphics. Check out our Ukrainian fonts page for details and download instructions! These fonts are great for creating signs, posters, publications, printed materials of all kinds. Whether you use them to jazz up your vykhovni materialy or your zabava invitations, they're a goldmine!

    This site in Ukrainian

    Why a password?
    We're often asked why some of the pages on this site are inaccessible to non-members of CYM. The answer is that as a youth organization, we are bound to protect the privacy of our members. We are especially sensitive to privacy issues concerning our children, and although we understand the frustration of those non-members who may not have access to all parts of our site, we hope you understand our responsibility to our children! Please read our privacy statement.

    Want to create a site for your oseredok?
    Oseredky and other CYM groups can use the services of CYMnet to construct their own sites on, free of charge! o find out more, write to us!

    Contributors Wanted!
    Would you like to contribute to this site by submitting articles or editorials, or even just ideas for content? Are you a writer, artist, or computer techie and would like to help? Please write to us!

    Need More Help?
    Don't see the answer to your question? If you need further assistance feel free to contact us by email:

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