Carly Harrington: Business owners share insights

Carly Harrington

Starting and building a successful business takes a lot of hard work and faith in one's self.

To get inspired, eager entrepreneurs can often look to those in their own community who have succeeded in overcoming the challenges of running and growing a business.

About 70 people turned out Thursday to do just that as Ted Russell of Ted Russell Automotive, Cynthia Moxley of Moxley Carmichael Public Relations and Tom and Judy Irmen of "Everything Knoxville" and "East Tennessee Mountain Views" magazines shared their business insights at the Cherokee Country Club during the first "Working Lunch" speaker series, a new fundraiser for the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation.

Each talked about how they got into business and the various challenges they faced as they tried to set a new career path for themselves. All had a passion to succeed, motivated at times simply out of curiosity, pride and a fear to fail.

"Having your own business is not a bed of roses," Russell cautioned. "It's a big sacrifice. I'm not trying to be negative. I wouldn't have it any other way."

It means working more hours, and in the beginning, making less money. It will become part of your family, said Russell, who grew up in Morristown and had "a love affair with the automobile." He got his start as an auditor.

Moxley, a former journalist for the defunct Knoxville Journal, decided to leave the industry she loved after a story was killed because of advertiser who had threatened to pull $1.5 million in ads.

"I was crestfallen. I thought, 'This isn't how it's supposed to work. If I'm going to work for advertisers, I'm going to work for advertisers,'" Moxley recalled.

Her first two clients were the Chamber of Commerce and Clayton Homes. The firm now represents some of the largest companies in town, including the News Sentinel. Moxley prides herself on never having a layoff because of a recession or losing a client. A down economy "makes you pay attention, focus. We operate pretty lean."

The Irmens invested their entire retirement savings to go into business. It started with Judy Irmen, who admitted she never had a desire to go into business.

"I knew if I didn't do it, I would always wonder what if," said Judy Irmen, who had been a medical technologist.

The couple, who started in the printing business and eventually transitioned into publishing, endured some tough times, particularly as the economy took a turn in the 1980s.

"We never wanted to quit on the same day," she said. "You just have to work through the fear."

Said Tom Irmen, "The fact we've all survived says a lot. Integrity is key. Determine your core values."

For more information about the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, visit

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