Carly Harrington: Big plans for Big Don in the Old City

Carly Harrington

Every decade or so it seems a well-intentioned journalist comes along and proclaims the end of Big Don the Costumier in the Old City.

Such was the case last week when I confused the long-standing costume rental shop with a sister business, Big Don's Elegant Junk, that has been closed since the late 1990s.

Make no mistake, Big Don the Costumier is alive and well and its proprietor, the lovely and spirited Ramona, has big plans for the corner of Central Street and Willow Avenue.

"You just have to have faith. That's what I have everyday in the business. I've had so many miracles," she said.

Ramona (think one name stars like Cher or Madonna) plans to open Flirty Gerty's Boutique, a retail store that will feature a variety of new, vintage and custom design items, including jewelry and hats. It will be a long-awaited return to retail as she once owned several boutiques in the 1960s and 1970s.

Big Don the Costumier will remain open for the general public and productionists in need of theatrical costumes for any time period, and of course, for Halloween.

Ramona sees customers by appointment only because she's on the road a lot traveling to area schools including those as far away as the Tri-Cities to help with costuming drama students and being part of the production team.

Because her time is limited, Ramona said she realized the only way she would be able to get back to the stage is if she had her own. So she plans to open a theater stage in the rear of the building along with a museum of various memorabilia.

"I love the theatrical part. I didn't realize how much it was a part of me," said Ramona, who acknowledged it's a passion that started with her mother. "She always liked to go to the movies and would have loved to have been in music or acting."

Ramona admits she has a lot of work to do to get the place ready for all her plans, but she is determined.

"I have wanted this for years. I am going to do this," she declared.

She wants to bring in various productions she's involved in. She has plans for dinner theater, jazz and a gospel brunch.

And she has ideas for decent vaudeville (not to be mistaken for the indecent kind).

Ramona, whose family has been Old City merchants for decades, sold the building that housed Big Don's Elegant Junk in November.

But she plans to be a part of her corner for a long time to come.

"There's a time and a season and a purpose for all things," Ramona said. "It's a wonderful life when you get up and know it's going to be OK."

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Comments » 1

MouthBreather writes:

That's great news! Big Don's Elegant Junk was the ish!

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