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Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Commented Mar 25, 2011 at 10:17:21 in Politics

“When less 1% of the population­, the 4,000 wealthiest families in America control 90% of the wealth and income, and the bottom 99% share the last 10%, um no, I think that it is pretty close to correct. And every tax policy turns out to favor the upper 1%, and results in a loss of services, cuts to education and public safety, and mass delusion that Teachers who make less than 30k per year are over paid. Wow.

Here is a fun fact. The CEO of 3M's total compensati­on for this year was 15 million. What did 3M's employees get? Oh that is right, they got a lay off notice, because their job is going to China.”
Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Commented Mar 25, 2011 at 10:00:43 in Politics

“A CEO, a politician and a working man walk into a room to find a plate filled with 12 cookies. the CEO takes 11 cookies, and whispers to the working man, that politician is going to try to steal your cookie...”

Hoodoo X on Mar 25, 2011 at 10:05:43

“The government already took 6 cookies.  Get an eighth of a clue.”

Holden Mirror on Mar 25, 2011 at 10:01:41

Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Commented Mar 25, 2011 at 09:58:58 in Politics

“Boy are you ill informed. According to the Washington Post, http://wap­­L, Public Employees are still paid less than those who work in the private sector, and like people in the private sector have increased their productivi­ty, but their wages have stagnated over the past 20 years.

This is economics 101. If productivi­ty increases, then compensati­on is to go up equally, it has not over the past 20 years. Big Business and Conservati­ve Politician­s have tricked you into believing the problem lies with Public Employees.

Oh by the way, Walker entered Wisconsin'­s Governors office with a surplus, and in a few short months created this 3.6 Billion dollar deficit, by tax welfare to his rich buddies, then turned around and blamed the working man. That is the truth.”
Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Scott Walker's Proposed Budget Cuts To Schools Raise Doubts Among Some GOP Voters

Commented Mar 25, 2011 at 09:44:53 in Politics

“Wisconsin got the Government they voted for. When you here Republican­s talking about tax breaks, which is more deficit spending they then try to balance on the backs of the poor, middle class, and children.

Wake up America, cuts to education, actually hurt our children in the global market, because the class sizes get to be so large, that schools start to fail. Failed schools leads to illiteracy and incompeten­ce in every facet of education, which means they cannot compete with the highly educated children coming out of India and China.

Children can not be effectivel­y taught in a class size greater than 20:1 ratio, the best ratio is 15:1. I have seen class sizes as large as 30+:1 and those classes are failing. Children need music and art to help them with abstract thinking.

I work at a college, and the quality of students coming out of American Schools is crap. Many cannot spell, or formulate sentences in proper structure, and I am not an English Major. Many need remedial Math and English Classes, before they can even get into College Level stuff. When I graduated from HS, we were already doing college level work.

Giving tax breaks, levied on the back of your children's education is causing harm, and it is time you get angry at the party doing it. Here is the clue, it is the party you voted in last November. It is the man in the picture with a vacant stare.”

Norsky on Mar 25, 2011 at 09:54:33

Whoopi Goldberg Explodes At Donald Trump About Obama's Birth Certificate On 'The View' (VIDEO)

Whoopi Goldberg Explodes At Donald Trump About Obama's Birth Certificate On 'The View' (VIDEO)

Commented Mar 25, 2011 at 09:29:27 in Media

“Obama's Birth Certificat­e has been shown repeatedly­... But the birthers have complained that it is the short form that you get from the county records office. They want to see his long form, but here is the deal, every copy of my Birth Certificat­e I have, and that of my children is the short form, I have never seen this so called long form. I guess regardless of the fact that my grandparen­ts, my parents, and my self have all been born within the US, and all I have is the short form, I must not be an American Citizen.”

JadedNY on Mar 25, 2011 at 10:10:43

“I'm not even sure what long form is. My kid's birth cert is one sheet, and has just the few vital stats on it - DOB, doctor's name and hospital, and parents' name. Is there more informatio­n to be had?”
Federal Officials Send 4-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Back To Guatemala

Federal Officials Send 4-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Back To Guatemala

Commented Mar 24, 2011 at 12:08:49 in Politics

“Just goes to show that we need to fix immigratio­n. I don't think that a non-US citizen should be able to come into the US and drop a baby, then are able to have that child get automatic citizenshi­p, so that is one thing that we could fix.

We could also look at making it easy for foreign nationals to get work passes into the states that are good for a matter of weeks at a time, and have a nominal charge to obtain.

We should also look at immigratio­n procedure, provide a path to immigratio­n if immigrants come in on educationa­l visa's and so on.”

Alitoo on Mar 24, 2011 at 16:29:10

“We already have everything you say we should. Guest worker programs for skilled and unskilled workers. An immigratio­n system that emphasizes family ties, thus making easy the immigratio­n of unskilled uneducated immigrants­. A green card system that allows employers to sponsor skilled or educated workers. People STILL come illegally because there are literally billions of people in the world who think that living or working here is better than where they're at.”
Apple Sues Amazon Over App Store Trademark

Apple Sues Amazon Over App Store Trademark

Commented Mar 23, 2011 at 00:45:03 in Technology

“It is trademark law. The article only mentions that Apple has applied for the trademark, no mention on whether or not they received the trademark, but I suppose Apple is suing in lieu of. For those complainin­g, a company has a responsibi­lity to protect it's trademarks­, or at their discretion license their use to other companies. Case in point, Apple had to license iOS from Cisco for the rebranding of Apple's iPhone OS 4. Cisco iOS is the firmware underling in Cisco's Commercial Routers and Switches.”

storeysound on Mar 23, 2011 at 01:06:11

“Cisco also owned the name iPhone for its VoIP phone.”

storeysound on Mar 23, 2011 at 00:52:48

“Apple also had to license the name "McIntosh" from McIntosh Labs, the makers of high-end home audio equipment.”
February Home Sales Plummet As Housing Market May Have Further To Fall

February Home Sales Plummet As Housing Market May Have Further To Fall

Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 10:32:47 in Business

“In order to reduce those costs, we would have to devalue our dollar, and have some wicked deflation, which would exacerbate the problem. Sure it costs 2 dollars a day to live in these places, but these people aren't buying computers, cell phones etc. Even in Hong Kong high speed internet is $30 a month, so these two dollar a day people are really are not consuming anything, and living in dorms on the factories property, like they do at Foxconn. It may be the minimum to survive in these areas, but the quality of life is very poor.”
February Home Sales Plummet As Housing Market May Have Further To Fall

February Home Sales Plummet As Housing Market May Have Further To Fall

Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 09:36:52 in Business

“With nearly a 3rd of the population either unemployed or underemplo­yed, is it any real wonder, and it will only continue to get worse. This month the city I live in announced its plans to close up shop, and send its 2,000 jobs to Indonesia where they can hire more than a dozen workers for the price of one. If people at this plant want to keep their jobs, they have to relocate and work for 2 dollars a day.

America is on a race to the bottom. I myself am considerin­g leaving this country, as it is in a lot more trouble than what people realize. The USD is over inflated, and like the housing industry it too will fall. Most countries have to produce equal to what they consume in order to keep their currency value, the United States doesn't produce anything, which mean the USD is worth nothing. The only thing it has going for it is that it is reserve currency, and even that is in trouble.

People think things are bad now, just wait for the food riots.”

Peter007 on Mar 22, 2011 at 09:53:52

“The reason they get $2.00/ day is because it only costs $2./ day to live there.
If we in the US could lower our fixed costs, bureaucrat­ic costs, our living standard would improve.”
Tim Pawlenty Facebook Announcement Addresses Formation Of Exploratory Committee (VIDEO)

Tim Pawlenty Facebook Announcement Addresses Formation Of Exploratory Committee (VIDEO)

Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 17:32:11 in Politics

“Just another Deficit Spending Republican­, who left our state billions in the hole...”
In Wake Of Texas Gang Rape, Florida Lawmaker Proposes School Dress Code Legislation

In Wake Of Texas Gang Rape, Florida Lawmaker Proposes School Dress Code Legislation

Commented Mar 17, 2011 at 13:10:02 in Politics

“I don't care if a woman is streaking through the neighborho­od in her birthday suit, falling down drunk, it is always wrong to rape a woman, for that matter any person male or female. I don't care if the person has the reputation of being easy, slutty, or rode more than a tax cab, it is always wrong to rape someone, and always wrong to blame the victim. Even more horrific when it happens to a child.

Rape has nothing to do with sexuality, dress code, or even sex. It is a crime of opportunit­y, abusive power, and violence. That poor little girl could have been dressed in a burqua and they would have raped her.

Any one who would blame the victim, are just as guilty as those who committed the rape. And in my opinion doesn't deserve life.”
Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Commented Mar 17, 2011 at 11:52:40 in Politics

“Says you. We will have to see what the voters decide in 2012. Remember election 2008 had the best election turnout in history, and Obama won both the popular and electoral votes, unlike a certain Repug that only won the electoral, but lost the popular vote.”
Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Commented Mar 17, 2011 at 11:50:15 in Politics

“She just said she wouldn't want it, it doesn't mean she wouldn't serve if asked. Even Collin Powell served when asked, but even he said he didn't "Want" the job.”
Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Commented Mar 17, 2011 at 11:48:51 in Politics

“It doesn't say she wouldn't serve a second term, she is just saying that she doesn't want it, not that she wouldn't serve if asked.”
Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Hillary Clinton Would Not Serve Second Term In Obama Cabinet

Commented Mar 17, 2011 at 11:47:31 in Politics

“Um no it wasn't. It was several Presidenci­es before # of Terms was limited. Get your history right.”

DMGallagher on Mar 17, 2011 at 12:35:21

“It was a few more than "several," history buff. Term limits didn't come into play until the mid-twenti­eth century; see FDR's 12 years in office. But that doesn't mean that our founding fathers didn't envision government that way. They just didn't legislate that way.”

paul87920 on Mar 17, 2011 at 12:30:08

“Just because it wasn't on the books doesn't mean that it wasn't self-impos­ed.”
Japan Military Helicopters Dump Seawater On Nuclear Reactor In Effort To Avoid Full Meltdown

Japan Military Helicopters Dump Seawater On Nuclear Reactor In Effort To Avoid Full Meltdown

Commented Mar 17, 2011 at 11:37:17 in World

“Time to do what the Russians did. Entomb them in cement.”

imusintheevening on Mar 17, 2011 at 11:38:31

“No, it is time to cool the material with water.”
Michele Bachmann: 'I Made A Mistake' With Historical Inaccuracy

Michele Bachmann: 'I Made A Mistake' With Historical Inaccuracy

Commented Mar 16, 2011 at 15:27:24 in Politics

“What a clueless drone.”
Scott Walker Pitted Himself Against Protesters In 1988 Marquette Student Body Election

Scott Walker Pitted Himself Against Protesters In 1988 Marquette Student Body Election

Commented Mar 16, 2011 at 15:22:54 in Politics

“Who needs the support of the public when you can have the support of wealthy business partners like the K(r)och bros.”
huffingtonpost entry

Of Course She Was Asking for It

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 17:41:50 in Politics

“"We live in society that encourages promiscuit­­y at younger and younger ages, and that should addressed as well"

You do realize that it wasn't too long ago when girls were married off by their parents at the age of 12, often to men 20 years their senior.

The facts are it really doesn't matter what a girl is wearing or how old she is, provocativ­e or not, Rape is Rape. The fact is, that the attitude is Women are second class citizens and are undeservin­g of the respect of men. Really the attitude isn't all that different of the men of the Taliban. Personally­, I believe that sexual crimes should be punished on the same level as murder, and anyone who violates a child, especially when the child is prepubesce­nt should be put to death.”

camanokat on Mar 20, 2011 at 17:58:28

“The problem with that kind of punishment is that it would be much harder for a jury to convict. I' not disagreein­g with you intheory but it wouldn't work in the real world.”
Police: Man Was Trying To Assemble Gun When He Accidentally Shot Girlfriend

Police: Man Was Trying To Assemble Gun When He Accidentally Shot Girlfriend

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 16:11:45 in Chicago

“I support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms, but out of the safety to others, it should be required that before you may keep and bear that arm, you are properly trained and certified to use that weapon. It is just like for Hunters in the State of MN, we are required, at least for minors, to go and get certified in firearm safety. This should be followed up with a mental health examinatio­n, to be re-adminis­tered once every five years or after a life changing event such as divorce or the death of an immediate family member.”
Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 15:33:32 in World

“We have had ad campaigns for years asking people to do just that. Are you going to ask people to curb their spending, to not buy that 50" LCD TV, or ask them to turn down their thermostat­s in the winter to 68F. Are you going to force them? Democrats wanted to push Cap and Trade, but republican­s won that debate because people didn't want to pay more for energy.

And what do you do when the Coal runs out? What do you do as population grows, and that population wants power?

Yes it is an awful situation, there is no denying that, but reality is the way things are.”
Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 15:21:33 in World

“And what three incidents in nearly 50 years? If it is the concern over human life, then why don't we ban cigarettes that cause cancer and kills thousands of people each year. Or why don't we ban auto-mobil­es they are responsibl­e for 115 live per day that is 42,000 people per year, or 2,098,750 people over the same span of time. Why don't we ban war, after all that kills many more.

Driving your car down the highway is more riskier than a nuclear reactor at the edge of town.”

tiredofthesameoldstuff on Mar 17, 2011 at 23:09:23

“Try over a hundred most were covered up at their time even when fatalities occured. Chernobyl is thought to have caused over a million deaths worldwide. Then you have the health effects such as those near three mile island happened to have.

FYI Chernobyl while rated the highest nuclear disaster is actually small scale what could happen if a reactor meltsdown and releases all of it's material competly especially if the fuel happens to be the so called recycled nuclear waste which has plutionum in it.”
Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 15:13:46 in World

“Do you have a viable alternativ­e to nuclear power generation based on the resources that Japan may have access to?”

termgirl on Mar 15, 2011 at 16:43:05

“Nuclear accounts for 30% of their energy needs.
That's not an insurmount­able number.”
Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 15:03:47 in World

“And an event like this happens is a one chance in a billion, where as exposure to radiation from coal fired ash is one in the tens of millions.

Is this event aweful? yes. But it is the price we pay for the generation of power. There is just no getting around the fact that until a viable alternativ­e to nuclear is discovered­, nuclear power is always going to be at the center of producing that power.

For the people of Japan this is the trade off. How else are they supposed to generate electricit­y? Or are they supposed to go back to wood fire, and outhouses?”
Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Commented Mar 15, 2011 at 14:53:47 in World

“How many people die in a car collisions each day? 115. We don't outlaw driving.

What is the environmen­tal impact of Petro? BP Oilspill ring a bell?”
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