Web design inspiration: 10 Health and wellness websites

by Ryan Boudreaux  |  March 14, 2012, 10:11am PDT  |  Image 1 of 10

Map My Run

First up is Map My Run where you can create and save your own running or walking routes, share your routes, and find other’s routes that might be in your area. The website offers a great way to track your running and find other great locations to walk or run.

Map My Run - Image 1 of 10

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Ryan Boudreaux

About Ryan Boudreaux

Ryan's experience includes a broad range of technology support roles and web development expertise.

Ryan Boudreaux

Ryan Boudreaux
Ryan has performed in a broad range of technology support roles for electric-generation utilities, including nuclear power plants, and for the telecommunications industry. He has worked in web development for the restaurant industry and the Federal government.