hippiekarl's Profile


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All about hippiekarl

Location: United States
Industry: Manufacturer (Tech-Related)
Role: Hardware Design / Engineering
I'm an iconoclast and contrarian (why else would you be looking here?!). I escaped a 'normal life' by breaking my neck and back (plus a 'traumatic brain injury'; let's not leave that out!) as a teenage soldier in the 1970s, and, since I was returned to civilian life without being told the extent of my injuries, spent my life---until quite recently--subsisting as best I could as an artist, pro musician, horticulturist, and vendor-of-things-I-made. All my life, unable to afford to pay for expertise, I was forced to aquire it myself. Fortunately, I'm an 'information-sponge', and the undamaged part of my brain still features a first-quality storage-and-retrieval system. I've been running my own business(es) for some 32years--even when I was camping out(!), and recently 'retired' (on learning the full truth about the extent of my old injuries). Now I build and play musical instruments, argue tech issues with informed geeks (here, primarily), play poker semi-pro, care-take a few cats, grow my own, and randomly dispense a lot of unsolicited information...when I'm not playing PS3 games or travelling. Eventually I'll become one of those old guys in Florida sitting on the porch with pants up to my armpits, complaining about the government.....Is this what you wanted to know when you clicked here? I thought so. ;)
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