Deadly Ernest's Profile

Deadly Ernest

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All about Deadly Ernest

Location: Australia
Industry: Business Services/Consulting (Tech-Related)
Role: IT Consultant
Currently living in the Riverina Region of NSW, Australia. Started work in the accounting industry, moved to administration, resource management, Australian public service. Retrenched in Jan 1999 and decided to turn a 25 year old hobby into employment and went to college to get IT qualifications. I had been building and maintaining my own and friends computers for over 20 years at this point, thought I should start charging.

Have completed the Diploma in IT User Support; Diploma in IT (Systems Admin); several IT certificates in Client Support, Software Applications, Network Management, Network Admin. Almost completed Diploma in IT (Network Engineer) and half way through the Diploma in IT (Software Development) - both put on hold due to a health problem and not yet restarted. Also have a Graduate Certificate in Business Management and Certificate IV in Assessment and Training. All in 4 years of study - bit stressful at the time.

This has added to the prior knowledge I had through work, including 6 years managing the national stores operation of a third party main frame computer maintenance company. Makes for an interesting mix of skills and knowledge.

I have used many of the programming languages listed on the skills sheet, but I would not class myself as a qualified programmer in any language yet.

In recent years I have built several hundred PCs, fixed thousands of problems (hardware and software) and worked on a high security Internet Gateway. Again a mixed bag of work. being a generalist I see the wider situation and often solve problems the experts can not.

I am currently testing a lot of versions of Linux for home or small office use by tech challenged end users, current preferences are SimplyMEPIS ( and KUBUNTU Feisty Fawn.

Now I am even trying my hand at writing, visit or to see my books and BUY some, I need the money.
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