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Check your PC for Windows 8 readiness with upgrade assistant

Is the software and hardware on your PC compatible with Windows 8? It's easy to find out with the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant.


The final build of Windows 8 is due out sometime later this year. If you're considering upgrading your current PC to Windows 8, you might want to get a head start on preparing for the upgrade. Here's how to check your PC for Windows 8 readiness, using the Windows 8 upgrade assistant:

To download the upgrade assistant, go to the Windows 8 download site, then click on the blue Download Windows 8 Release Preview button. The file is only 5MB, so it shouldn't take long for the download to complete.

To run the upgrade assistant, double-click on Windows8-ReleasePreview-UpgradeAssistant.exe. It will immediately begin checking your PC for compatible apps and devices. Once it's finished, the upgrade assistant will display how many of your apps and devices are compatible, and how many require your attention.

Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant results (Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee/CNET)

Click on the "See compatibility details" link for more detailed information. If you want to continue and install Windows 8, go back to the main screen and click Next. Otherwise, exit out of the upgrade assistant.

Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant details (Credit: Screenshot by Ed Rhee/CNET)

That's it. If you don't find your app or hardware listed in the upgrade assistant, you can also search the Compatibility Center for Windows 8 Website, to see if it's been added recently.

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