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Create To Share

Upload your image

We suggest you work with 800x600 px
images for all phones and
1200x1200 px images for tablets

Choose File
1200x1200 px

How to submit wallpapers:

If you have a wallpaper that you've already created and want to share it with the rest of the world, you can add it to the Android Central Wallpaper Gallery by running it through our Wallpaper Upload Tool. This will upload it to the Android Central servers and allow you to give the wallpaper a title and select the category for it to appear in.

Take care in how you title and tag your wallpaper. The better you do it, the more people will find the wallpaper you've shared.

Also, the higher resolution the wallpaper, the better. Nobody likes a screen full of pixellated pictures.

Note that your wallpapers probably won't appear in the gallery immediately. But we'll get them approved just as soon as we can.

Supported devices:

Android Central's user-submitted Wallpaper Gallery should work with most high-resolution images and displays. But because of the various resolutions, you might have to crop a wallpaper a tad.

If you're really stuck, ask for help in the forums, or use our contact forum.


All of the wallpapers featured in this gallery have been submitted by members of If you are the rightful copyright holder to a wallpaper featured in this gallery and you do not wish for it to appear here, we will gladly remove the offending content once notified under the terms outlined under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.