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Moments: Colossus #3

The moment you encounter the third colossus (also called Gaius) is breathtaking, terrifying, and indelibly memorable.

Imagine this: You have killed two creatures that are roughly the size of mountains and made your way through a desolate landscape on your way to do battle with the third colossal brute. Coming across an architecturally unbelievable spiral staircase leading up to the top of a large pillar rising from a lake, you are forced to leave your horse behind. Clambering to the top of the structure, you lay eyes on a giant pile of rubble. “That’s funny,” you think to yourself. “The beast should be up here….” Suddenly, the rubble stirs and begins to rise. Just when you think it is about to stop its nonsensical upward direction, it continues its way toward the overcast sky. You realize it is the third colossus.

So begins the third battle in Shadow of the Colossus, and the struggle to bring this monster down is awe-inspiring. It involves running up its giant stone sword, leaping onto its stomach, and making the treacherous journey skyward to its vulnerable cranium. While the battle is amazing, along with many other parts of SotC, the moment that stands out is when you realize: “I have to fight this thing.”  

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  • they really need to put out more of these moments kind of things because there are just so many in games that make you happy to be a gamer
  • While it (she) is impressive, I HATED that colossus.
  • is "moments" a new feature they're doing?
  • That whole game was great. Shadow of the Colossus is probably one of my favorite game of all time.


    I figured Agro's "death" would have been picked instead, but I think any of the Colossi are contenders for a Moment.
  • This was honestly one of the most memorable games I've played. Pure art.

  • I love the tag for the article that reads: "Please release last guardian soon".
  • At the time, I was completely stunned by what was happening. I couldn't rationally think. Probably won't have the same effect on newer players, but man... awesome stuff.
  • God this game was ssssoooo gooood! And the best demonstration of games as art

  • This one took me forever to beat because i couldn't figure out how to destroy his armor.

  • Loved this game to DEATH. Seriously breathtaking. I loved this Colossus too, but I can't lie. All the Colossi battles in this game were amazing in every aspect,especially the final one. Purely epic. And in HD? This game couldn't be anymore great than it is.

  • Beleive it or not, the first time I plunged a sword on some Colossus I fetl sorry for the giant and stopped playing for a few minutes thinking about life and death....
  • This game is pure greatness. The flying colossus battle was one of the coolest bosses in any game I've played

  • This whole game is one of the hallmarks of my life so far.

  • One of the most annoying colossi in the game IMO. Still amazing game, nonetheless.
  • That's epic.

  • This is an example of the "perfect display of epicness".

  • That whole game is brilliant, but the third colossus is the one that people probably imagine when they think of the game. I would love to experience that fight again using the 3D in the HD remake. ^_^

  • i was just ranting about how ive played the first few colossi a handful of times but always lose interest. i really WANT to like this game. so i picked up the HD collection on Gamefly for a mere $17 and hope that 3rd times a charm. excited to see what all the fuss about Ico is, too.
  • I'm more partial to that bird colossus, personally. The third one never struck me as special. Maybe I'm biased because I kept falling off that stupid staircase and having to swim all the way over to it again.
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