My Games - Login Required

My Games on GameFAQs is a game collection and tracking system that allows you to keep track of your entire game collection - every game you've ever owned or played. With over 150,000 games on over 100 different platforms, you'll be able to keep up with practically every game ever released.

For every game on GameFAQs, you can rate it on how much you played it, how much you liked it, how long it took to play, and even how hard you thought it was. On the My Games hub pages, you can see your collection at a glance, compare it to other users' collections, and see the top games on the site. To get a jump start, you can use the Collection Builder, a tool that will allow you to quickly add your entire collection to the database step by step.

To get started, you need to log in with your email and password above, but if you don't have an account, it's simple and free to register a new account and get started today.

Also on GameFAQs...

  • Help - Answers to the most commonly asked questions about GameFAQs.
  • Answers - Give or get help with other users for your favorite games.
  • Contribute - Contribute your own FAQs, game data, reviews, images, and much more.
  • FAQ Bounty - Write a FAQ for a Most Wanted game, get a gift certificate.
  • Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games.
  • Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of.
  • Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs.
  • My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games.
  • Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today.
  • What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more.