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I ... the software services and CPS in particular are enabling stalkers and providing them with a whole new ... and powerful tools ... to solve their victims ... using the region's doctors ... we used to be that Greece had to show up in the House repeated three-year eight thousand ... calls that now is a chance for just me enabled GPS ... on tended to suffer on ... a contract today to twenty per day ... and a continuing act and that can be as easy as activating the stalking victims GPS ... on her cellphone family plan in TV enabling cell phone GPS has played a positive role in many instances ... they can allow parents to keep tabs on the kids ... and help rescue loss to kidnap drivers but the same technology ... can also be the primary facilitator for stalker a Department of Justice report last year finds that around one in four stalking cases ... involve some form of cyber stalking like e-mail or instant messaging notably the survey years preceded the popularity ... of some of today's technology in designing the technologies that we are seeing the economy stupid in stocking cases like ... social networking sites ... play tracks messaging location based social networking sites like looped Google latitude and grinder pinpoint approximate locations of user's ... cellphone security company called lookout says twenty seven percent of apps ... and the Android marketplace can locate a foam their installed on when he lifted the restriction that was most interested in starting a diamond indicated that Dodd's ... intensity people eighteen to twenty four year-old which also tends to be part of the maintenant traffic that uses these age based on our sites one Facebook feature makes it potentially easier to stalk a victim ... of events of the tennis attending including location and attending details ... could pop up in the stalkers Advanced tab ... even if they're not friends with the victim on Facebook but sheer mutual friends and spends the majority of stalking victims know their stalkers ... and Shira social circle that's increasingly possible ... I think every single person at a ten dollars a ... share to social circle with an offender and inspection Service ... the likelihood is he can still Tracker because if he can see where her remains on Friday night and knows that they tend to hang onto an airplane its ... key Nanos for she is as well domestic violence advocates worry on subscribing from Facebook altogether is on a realistic and could even isolated victim from friends who would form of social support network Facebook encourages the use of its robust and lock feature which severs any ties and prevents any connection ... between potential stalker and victim ... they also encourage friends of the victim to block inclined doing so gives users more potential control ... than a restraining order would in the offline world as a safeguard to prevent stocking ... other location based social networking sites like looped utilize continuous and a random push an SMS reminders ... of tracking Activision on the device in question and have other safeguard measures which include calibrated settings ... the blocking high distance ... and minimize PDA user share as social networks increasingly integrated also becomes important to untethered them ... so publishing location based information is restricted to a more carefully to review group of friends ... rather than the broader Internet ... me to ... see mum and inexact when technology comes out ... which didn't appear to says ... they will find a legitimate ways to use it and we need to keep up with ...