
Thursday 28 June 2012

Apple WWDC: New MacBook Pro hands-on

At the WWDC developer conferece, Apple has unveiled what it calls the "next generation" MacBook Pro, the first with a "Retina" screen. Shane Richmond was among the first to try it.

The new MacBook Pro at WWDC in San Francisco Photo: Getty Images

"Isn't the bottom of our computer prettier than the top of anyone else's computer," asked Phil Schiller as he unveiled the next generation MacBook Pro in San Francisco.

He was preaching to the converted at WWDC, the annual event for Apple developers, and there are certainly those who would make the case for other manufacturers and their machines. However, it's hard to argue with the beauty of what's inside that new computer: the 2880x1800 pixel display, which Apple says is "the world's highest resolution display".

Like the displays on the iPhone and new iPad, Apple describes this as a 'Retina' display. And like those displays, it's hard to grasp how important it is until you see it for yourself. Text is so sharp that it appears to be printed on the glass, images are astoundingly clear and the number of pixels available means that the screen can show a full 1080 video clip and still have huge amounts of spare space.

There is no strict rule for what constitutes a 'retina' display. Apple determines it to be a display with individual pixels that are indiscernable at a normal viewing difference. Because that viewing distance varies from one device to another, so does the exact pixel density.

Nevertheless, it's fair to say that once you see the Retina display, no other laptop screen will look as good.

It is the screen that will get all the attention - and rightly so - but the new MacBook Pro points towards Apple's vision for the future of computing in other ways too. As with the MacBook Air, Apple has removed the optical drive and the hard drive. Both machines have SSD's, which mean better speed, lighter weight and lower heat.

There will be those who are not ready to give up on CDs and DVDs just yet but Apple knows that that will change soon. The result of those changes is a laptop that is surprisingly light for its size.

This is undoubtedly a high-end machine. It is more powerful than most people will need, which is why the original 15" MacBook Pro remains available, with an improved spec.

For all the company's talk of 'post-PC' devices, the new MacBook Pro shows that Apple is still thinking about the future of computing and is willing to make some strong choices along the way.

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