“American Mosaic” is Reuters’ unique campaign polling initiative for 2012, executed in partnership with Ipsos. The project targets 10 demographic groups of special interest in this presidential race.

Bingo set will go for safest net - but whose?


More seniors would vote for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney than for incumbent Barack Obama, even though a majority think Obama's Democratic Party better serves their interests.  Full Article 


DNC to GOP on healthcare: Bring it on

The Democrats have an answer for the Republicans if the U.S. Supreme Court throws out President Barack Obama's healthcare law on Thursday: Good luck with that.

About this series

“American Mosaic” is Reuters’ unique campaign polling initiative for 2012, executed in partnership with Ipsos. The online polling effort, whose methodology has been statistically validated, will reach 12,000 Americans each month, more than 120,000 by Election Day, constituting an unprecedented sample of the U.S. electorate. The “micro-polling” project, effectively a poll within a poll, targets 10 demographic groups of special interest in this presidential race. Each of the targeted groups will be the subject of in-depth reporting as well as photojournalism and video, resulting in a multidimensional portrait of these critical communities. Profiled here is the first of them, military veterans and the families of veterans who have served since the first Persian Gulf War.