Eugene Wei

Eugene Wei


I like lots of things, but tech product and filmmaking are where I've spent most of my career. Learn more at 

San Francisco, CA ·


  1. Swartz believed the good from setting information free would outweigh the bad, helping that moral arc of the universe bend the right way.

  2. What the Internet is best at us setting information free and in motion. Aaron Swartz embodied that, and so he felt like the web's conscience

  3. There are few processes more aptly named to encompass all our feelings about it than fracking (hydraulic fracturing):

  4. It just means I like sitting in the dark not talking to anyone. Maybe someday; it's such a cartel though!

  5. Wong Kar Wai's The Grandmaster opened in China. If it wasn't such a long flight...

  6. Pie chart users deserve same suspicion+skepticism as those who mix up its/it's, there/their.To compare,use little table, sentence, not pies.

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