

  Sarah McGarr  

Date of Birth
Feb. 24, 1983
RPGamer Hire Date
May 28, 2008
RPGamer Position
News & Content
Personal Homepage
Deviant Art
Salt Lake City, UT
1) Gaming
2) Your Face
3) Photoshop land
Favorite Movies/TV Shows
1) Airplane!
2) Anchorman
3) Conan
4) Bleach
Favorite Games
1) Kirby's Epic Yarn
2) Kirby Squeak Squad
3) Final Fantasy XI
4) Final Fantasy XIV

Elusive as the ninja Kirby, noodle's identity is a closely guarded secret! So I was told I had to upload a "real" picture of me. This should work.

   I guess like Keno I worked here a few years ago, but I wasn't here for very long. I was in my second year of school and the position I took as web designer was very overwhelming at the time. Now that I have graduated, I decided to come back and write some news articles and reviews. <3

   First started playing games when my dad got the original Nintendo system when it came out. Mostly played Track and Duck Hunt. Dad owned a Sears store and when the Game Boy came out me and my sister each got one. (I still have mine.) Played lots of Tetris, Super Mario, and I have like 3 or 4 Kirby games on it. My love for video games continued to grow with the purchase of the Super Nintendo, which to this day I wish I never got rid of. Kirby Superstar is the best Kirby game ever, and don't you forget it. Upgraded to the Nintendo 64 and was all psyched with the 3-Dish look it had with Super Mario. Favorite game on there is Cruisin' the World, believe it or not. Kirby 64 sucked ass and I was hideously disappointed. Still have the N64, but I recently acquired a Nintendo Wii, which I *adore*. I play Super Smash Bros. Brawl constantly. I can't wait for Kirby game to come out for it. At the moment, I also have a PS2 and a DS Lite. Kirby Squeak Squad on the DS made up for Kirby and the Crystal Shards on the N64. So I'm satisfied.

   Yeah, I know. Kirby games may not actually qualify as RPGs. I've already been told that several times.

   Last Updated: March 3, 2011

noodley noodle noodle

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