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In their own words: Occupy Oakland according to city officials - Part 2
What follows are city of Oakland e-mails (October 19-25, 2011) obtained under the Public Records Act in which top officials discuss Occupy Oakland and the tent city that sprang up last year outside City Hall.

In their own words: Occupy Oakland according to city officials - Part 1

More coverage of the Occupy movement 


Berkeley council backs police reforms with civil liberties in mind
Package of reforms stems from outrage over tactics used on Occupy protesters in Oakland and at UC Berkeley. 


The destruction was just the first wave of pain for many survivors of the Oakland hills fire
Teresa Ferguson's nightmare started the day the flames appeared on the skyline above her home in the Oakland hills. Today, 20 years later, the effects of the firestorm still reverberate through every corner of her life.  


Mindset of the madness: Mack God rules the streets
In 2010, Oakland had more than 500 separate shootings -- more than one per day, every day, for weeks and months on end. Some involved so deeply in street life that experts say they have slipped into a kind of alternate reality in which the rules the rest of society lives by don't apply 

Database shows $12.2 billion in Bay Area public employee salaries
A hospital administrator in Alameda County, a deputy police chief in San Francisco and a physician in Santa Clara County grossed more than $500,000 each in pay last year - the top three 2009 salaries in a database containing 200,000 public employees now available online. 


San Leandro bans medical marijuana dispensaries for one year
SAN LEANDRO -- After several motions failed, the City Council has agreed on a one-year ban on medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation facilities. 


Key Prop 8 witness who opposed same-sex marriage decides it is OK after all
The chief witness who testified in favor of California's gay marriage ban during a landmark trial on the measure's constitutionality reluctantly came out in favor of gay and lesbian unions on Friday, saying he now thinks "that the time for denigrating or stigmatizing same-sex relationships is over."  



Hometown Hero: Ex-drug addict brings hope to Richmond
As the founder and director of Men and Women of Purpose, a Richmond-based nonprofit that offers programs aimed at reducing violence, recidivism, homelessness, drug abuse and chronic unemployment, Antwon Cloird keeps a breathless schedule. 


Caution: Crisis ahead
From BART to Caltrain to the Valley Transportation Authority, every Bay Area transit agency has hiked fares and reduced train and bus service to plug deep budget holes. But the changes have produced fewer riders and even less revenue '” leading some to worry that the transit system has entered a death spiral. 


Three East Bay ZIP codes, life-and-death disparities
Richard Angelis lives in Walnut Creek on a tree-lined street in ZIP code 94597, where life expectancy is 87.4 years. But 12 miles southwest of Angelis' home, in the Oakland neighborhood of Sobrante Park, there are nights when Calixto Orantes, 53, hits the ground in a cold sweat inside his small rented home as gunfire erupts nearby. He lives in ZIP code 94603, where life expectancy plunges to 71.2 years. 


Road to college just got bumpier
California high school students with their sights set on a public university better step up their game, admissions officers and guidance counselors say. An unprecedented time of upheaval and funding cuts in the state university systems will leave less room for narrowly missed deadlines, poor senior-year grades and incomplete course work