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Secret Code - Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine, Indie Game: The Movie

This week we get exclusive access to the winner of the 2010 IGF and one of 2012's biggest indie games: Monaco. Also, we give stuff away.

If you fancy knowing more about the games on this week's show, use the links below. Or shoot me an email or a Twitter thing to @dannyodwyer.

This week's games:

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Visit the developer's website here.
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Like on Facebook here.

Indie Game: The Movie
Watch the trailer here.
Buy the movie here.

You can watch or download the site version of this episode right here.
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Danny O'Dwyer
By Danny O'Dwyer, Video Journalist

Danny has been a GameSpot community member since 2005. Since joining the staff as a video journalist in 2011 he has lost touch with most of his friends and family. He looks forward to the day achievement points become legal tender so he can return to Ireland and fix its broken economy.

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Sydrum 15 pts

hahaha this was hilarious. the moment when both of you guys missed the dog.... =)anyway the game looks brilliant. 

CrashAce 11 pts

Nice game, and good show as always.

X-RS 35 pts

No offense but... WTF DAnny?!?

You haven't played Boinanza Bros.? O_o

If Monaco should be compared to anything looks to me like a top down Bananza Bros.


(I know i nit pick =/)

dannyodwyer 83 pts

 X-RS Mechanically they have practically nothing in common. Games are defined by how they play, not their subject matter. In the same way Punch Out and Fight Night are both boxing games but are mechanically worlds apart.

TiGHT_CTRLs 5 pts

 dannyodwyer True that, though many reviews praise Sonic games´ speed when it´s a matter of how it´s achieved: rolling and momentum. They had slow platform-ish parts too.


X-RS 35 pts


 OK. True enough. I mean ones top down and the other is sideview. It's just when you said the objective was to steal a list of items then get out and that you could trank/paralyze poeple (ANDF there is co-op); I couldn't help think of Bonanza Bros.


Game looks awesome though. Love stealing stuff in the 2D ^_^

oldschoolvandal 77 pts

another thing....if it is as good as Fez and Super Meat Boy the delays are welcome!!

oldschoolvandal 77 pts

Monaco looks fun. I must be specially fun in co op.

Can people really shoot each other? hahaha That would be even better!!


theteaface 14 pts

Haha... I just about to say that your were asking for a world of filth with the competition - but then you beat me to it!


No one knows about secret code?! It's my favourite bit of GS - 'thought everyone was basking in its rich random goodness. Keep the shows coming, Danny!

BrunoBRS 37 pts

"all of the lasers in this sh!t" is, for some reason, an amazing line.


also, how can you burn and scatter to sea something you've deleted first? and wouldn't you have to print it? :o

jhonel83 32 pts

don't mean to be a troll, but this game looks just bad to me. If not bad, at least bland. You guys are impressed by things that have been in countles games before, and much better. You can use a toilet! "Game of the year!". Guess what, the Duke was doing that 20 years ago. In 3D. You can hack? You have to avoid guards and dogs? Deus Ex 12 years ago? I better graphics? Thief the Dark Project? As much as I understand you wanting to support inidies, this is ridiculous

dragonlance1989 10 pts

 jhonel83 Must. Not. Feed. The. Troll.

You understand nothing, dear sir. I guess you haven't even played an indie game before. You, sir, are ridiculous.  

jhonel83 32 pts


 i HAVE played indie games before. I just don't think they should be excused from the normal criterias of a review. People tent to cut them some slack, just because they don't belong to a big monolith company. There ARE good indie games out there and I have enjoyed some. If you want, I could name a few for you, but that would be pointless

dragonlance1989 10 pts

 jhonel83 ok my nerdrage is over. For argument sake, I must point out that the line of sight idea is most unique and ingenious. This mechanic has not appeared in any games that I've ever played or known about.

I'll not discuss further about the true merits of indie games here, for fear that you are truly a troll and I'm wasting my time.

popki 7 pts

 dragonlance1989 It's gotta be a troll. Otherwise he wouldn't play games at all because everything's been done. "A new RPG? But I could level up in the first Final Fantasy! Ridiculous."

jhonel83 32 pts


 A little harsh. That's just my honest opp, this game looks bad, and I don't see what all the praise is all about.

jhonel83 32 pts


 ok, sorry if i offended your game sense. Didn't mean that. just that it doesn't look all that unique to me. Top down run arond, open door, sneak and interract with stuff? Have you ever played the old 2D GTA games? And the list could continue. For decency's sake, I'll just stay out.

Droogie_1 35 pts

where is the option to go back to the old gamespot layout?!  instead of offering that promised change, you guys just changed your site again making it even worse.


please let me change back to the old gamespot website design.  you know, the one that actually looked good...

Evtutchenk0 29 pts

that's some good news for a change. i've really missed Escape From Mount Stupid

Petnos 135 pts





Janpieterzun 31 pts

Danny's makes the better videos on this site, no forced comedy.

ERoBB 130 pts

 Janpieterzun Danny just seems like an all around cool guy.

Signor-Sausage 7 pts

Really enjoying this show. Especially the Danny and Johnny double act.

chuckls 6 pts

Another great show! Thanks guys =)

kassador 39 pts

oh shh... ugar!! Nince save Danny!!!

The game looks awesome!!! I can already see me cursing like a madman for doing something "stupid" and getting killed over and over. :P

And the "couch co-op" is the cherry on top of this cake of awesomeness!!


I would be great if it is released on consoles, but just in case the game is released on one console only, I hope its on Xbox. :)

awwitz 85 pts

It's an artistically beautiful game. Monaco is a great masterpiece.

naryanrobinson 160 pts

Looks great.  I'm glad it beat Super Meat Boy.  It was a good game with good controls, but there was nothing innovative about it, unlike this thing.

hashirama-senju 10 pts

 AndySchatz how much did it took to develop the game?



reivax_darkmage 12 pts

what platforms will this game be released?? watching it gets me excited hopefully for 3ds... if not, PC then!

N4o7A 16 pts

I'm super excited for this game, I hope its released soon.

gundammaster23 5 pts

this show is awesome! also, what platforms will Monaco be released on? 

AndySchatz 13 pts

 gundammaster23 PC/Mac and console, but we haven't yet announced which console(s)

Tsuchikage 109 pts

Monaco looks great.  Also, a contest where people send in pictures of themselves having fun with meat may be the most hilariously bizarre contest I've ever heard of.

7C7R7N7 54 pts

When I read Monaco I thought that it was a racing game. Hahaha!

ProfessorNemo 5 pts

I can't wait to get this.I wonder if there will be any DLC for this ??? New characters and missions maybe ???

AndySchatz 13 pts

 ProfessorNemo That's the plan... but first I need to get the game out of course!

hardeddie 24 pts

@AndySchatz, ios and PSN. Really looking forward to it. Read about Monaco on App advice couple of months back. Cant wait.

CloWnCircus 12 pts

 ProfessorNemo  It hasn't even seen the light of day and you're already asking for DLC? No wonder we get them by the truckload.. I miss the days we used to have expansions and they were actually worth something.

AndySchatz 13 pts

 CloWnCircus  ProfessorNemo Yeah I always felt the same way.  With the games I made prior to this I tried to reinvent the game each time I made a new one (Venture Africa and Venture Arctic... they are pretty old at this point).  But given the structure of Monaco is makes sense to eventually release map packs or soemthing.  The game does have an editor too -- I'll prob launch it in beta so I don't have to put the polish into it at first, so there should be plenty of content.

CloWnCircus 12 pts

 AndySchatz I don't mind DLC (except at launch) if it's a well thought addition to the overall experience. I can even digest some of the same experience if it's reasonably priced as this is a prime candidate for, I know it's really hard to do game changers with DLC or any kind of expansion for that matter but lately we just get a sense of violation, perhaps of being cheated. If you are in fact the creator of this apparently magnificent game, then I salute you sir, it's a great work of creativity, the atmosphere seems great, the tension is palpable and it reminds me of my favorite game series of all time, Metal Gear Solid,  that in itself, is a great achievement.

Grimthorn 7 pts

My wife, while looking over my shoulder, said for the first time ever, "I'd play that!"    SOLD!

Looking forward to the game Andy!

Also, love the show Danny!

AndySchatz 13 pts

 Grimthorn Sweet!  Yeah it's a really fun game to play with a loved one on the couch.  Or 4 buddies at a party. Or by yourself.  Or with strangers on the internet. At least my wife says so ;)

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